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Healthy Eating

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One Major Side Effect of Eating Grapes, Says Dietitian

Red, green, or in between, grapes make a tasty snack just about any time. With their sweet flavor and juicy pop, these little round nibbles are basically nature's candy. Tucked in a chicken salad, draped artfully on a charcuterie board, or as a whole-food afternoon snack, they'll add color and nutrients to your diet with a minimum of fuss. Along with antioxidants galore and a bit of fiber, there's one nutrient you might not know lies inside each juicy globe: vitamin K. In a 1-cup serving of raw table grapes, you'll find 22…

One Dangerous Side Effect of Not Getting Enough Vitamin D, Says

There are already plenty of reasons to be mindful of your vitamin D intake. The vitamin's benefits include boosting your mental health and supporting your immune system, while not getting enough of it can lead to a loss of bone density. Now, researchers speculate that people who aren't getting enough of the vitamin may be at higher risk of opioid addiction. Findings from a new animal study published in the journal Science Advances, suggest that not getting enough of the vitamin may cause people to crave endorphins—the…

Best Supplements To Start Your Day, According to Science

There are so many different kinds of supplements on the market. The question is, which ones are the best to take and at what time of day? First of all, you may not need any additional supplementation of various vitamins and minerals. A good way to check to see if you could benefit from taking a multivitamin or a supplement for a specific vitamin or mineral is to get some blood work done at your next doctor's visit. If you could benefit from a few supplements, just know that some may be best to take in the morning versus…

The Worst Foods To Eat if Heart Disease Runs in Your Family

Summer is already in full swing, and with your social calendars expanding, your food and beverage choices will be as well. Who can resist a little BBQ action on a summer night? If you happen to be someone with a family history of heart disease, though, trying to stick to a heart-healthy diet during seasons like this can be overwhelming. However, if cardiovascular disease does run in your family, it's crucial to focus on foods that will lower your risk. "The risk of developing heart disease leading to heart attacks is a…

Popular Fast Food Items to Never Order, Say Dietitians

While it is possible to find a low-calorie meal at a fast food restaurant, it likely comes as little surprise that most of what you get at the drive-thru isn't doing your health any favors. However, even among the myriad fried foods, burgers, and oversized desserts at your local fast food eateries, there are some items that stand out as particularly deleterious to your wellbeing—especially considering they're some of the most popular orders. Read on to discover which popular fast food items dietitians say you should never…

Secret Side Effects of Drinking Beer, Says Science

Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around—and consider what that brewski did to your body. As with any vice, there are pros and cons to regular beer consumption. Though some people enjoy an ice-cold beer on a hot summer day (or in the middle of winter or anytime), there are some considerations to think about before you have two, three, or more. Here, we spoke with nutrition experts to better understand the secret side effects of drinking beer. Then, be sure to read up on our…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Peaches, Say Science

Let's make sure we're very clear about one thing right off the bat: Peaches are an excellent source of several key nutrients. Boasting various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, the fuzzy fruit can be enjoyed by itself as a snack, sliced and put on top of a salad, or incorporated into a dessert. However, there's one pitfall (get it?) to peaches that may affect some groups of people more so than others. Since peaches are so sweet, they're a bit higher in fructose (sugar) than some other fruits, which also means they're…

One Major Effect of Drinking Apple Juice, New Study Says

If it seems that we tend to go for the exotic juices these days—like beet juice for heart and brain health and amla juice for diabetes prevention—a new study suggests that returning to a classic might deliver a major advantage for your health. The research found that apple juice, specifically one kind, may be a powerful force against cardiovascular illness. We're all aware that minding cholesterol is one of the key focuses of staying healthy overall. When bad cholesterol collects inside the body, it layers the inside of the…

The One Drink to Give Up For Better Heart Health, Says Dietitian

Heart disease is the number one cause of death both in the U.S. and globally, accounting for approximately 16% of all worldwide deaths each year. While genetic factors and certain health conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity, can all contribute to your heart disease risk, your eating and drinking habits also play a significant role when it comes to your cardiovascular health. In fact, there's one particular drink experts say you should cut from your meal plan immediately if you want to keep…

7 Weight Loss Desserts That Actually Satisfy, Recommended By

Dessert and healthy eating? Seems like an oxymoron, right? Dessert is always associated with "unhealthy" eating habits, but in actuality, that notion isn't always true. In fact, there are numerous different types of desserts to enjoy out there that can satisfy your sweet tooth while still making good on your health goals. It's all about looking for weight loss desserts that will satisfy you and make you feel full so you don't overdo it on your sweet treat. "As a dietitian, I want people to know that if you are trying to eat…

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