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Healthy Eating

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One Major Effect of Drinking Apple Juice, New Study Says

If it seems that we tend to go for the exotic juices these days—like beet juice for heart and brain health and amla juice for diabetes prevention—a new study suggests that returning to a classic might deliver a major advantage for your health. The research found that apple juice, specifically one kind, may be a powerful force against cardiovascular illness. We're all aware that minding cholesterol is one of the key focuses of staying healthy overall. When bad cholesterol collects inside the body, it layers the inside of the…

The One Drink to Give Up For Better Heart Health, Says Dietitian

Heart disease is the number one cause of death both in the U.S. and globally, accounting for approximately 16% of all worldwide deaths each year. While genetic factors and certain health conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity, can all contribute to your heart disease risk, your eating and drinking habits also play a significant role when it comes to your cardiovascular health. In fact, there's one particular drink experts say you should cut from your meal plan immediately if you want to keep…

7 Weight Loss Desserts That Actually Satisfy, Recommended By

Dessert and healthy eating? Seems like an oxymoron, right? Dessert is always associated with "unhealthy" eating habits, but in actuality, that notion isn't always true. In fact, there are numerous different types of desserts to enjoy out there that can satisfy your sweet tooth while still making good on your health goals. It's all about looking for weight loss desserts that will satisfy you and make you feel full so you don't overdo it on your sweet treat. "As a dietitian, I want people to know that if you are trying to eat…

These Foods May Increase Your Breast Cancer Risk, Says New Study

Foods that increase inflammation throughout the body cause a 12% increase in breast cancer risk, according to a major study of more than 318,000 women. In findings presented at the Nutrition 2021 Live online conference, researchers assessed the impact of dietary choices over 14 years and found that inflammatory foods were connected to this type of cancer, with the association more pronounced among premenopausal women—a connection that occurred regardless of other cancer risk factors like body mass index, physical activity,…

This Popular Anti-Aging Supplement Is Now Plant-Based for the

Who doesn't love foods that can help our bodies stay young, according to what science suggests? Now, one popular youth-preserving supplement—which you may have questioned a little, due to its being sourced from animals—just evolved in an important and very timely way. If you like the idea of adding a collagen supplement to your diet but have felt a little weird about the fact that it's often sourced from animals—or, if you avoided collagen altogether for this reason—then you might find this to be exciting news: A company…

Surprising Side Effects of Taking Weight Loss Supplements, Says

While the time-tested weight loss practices of diet and exercise see real results, some have tried to speed up the process by introducing some weight loss supplements into their regular eating plan. While these pills, shakes, teas, and more all claim they can help you trim down the fat, many of these products hide some unexpected side effects. According to the Mayo Clinic, most of the products that claim to help you drop the pounds don't receive any kind of oversight from the FDA, meaning that the claims they make don't have…

Best Supplements for Reducing Inflammation, Say Dietitians

Food, glorious food. There's no shortage of incredible foods that help your body fight inflammation. But beyond following an anti-inflammatory diet, supplements can be a powerful tool in helping you lower inflammation. With countless products on the market, it can be hard to know what to look for and which ingredients you should zoom in on in your search. That's why we reached out to trusted registered dietitians and docs to share the best supplements for reducing inflammation. As always, talk to a healthcare professional…

Popular Foods That Are Wrecking Your Belly, Say Nutrition Experts

What's causing that train wreck in your belly kind of depends on the train. Do you suffer from indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease), or simply belly fat creeping over the waistband of your jeans? Any number of foods that you send down your gastrointestinal tract can trigger a train wreck in your belly. But while the variety of those locomotives is vast, many of those foods have one thing in common—they screw up the delicate equilibrium of bacteria in your gut. (Related:…

This One Diet May Prevent High Blood Pressure, New Study Says

By now, it's no news that eating a predominantly plant-based diet may be key to staving off chronic disease in the long run. Now, two new studies suggest that switching to a plant-based diet may also benefit pregnant mothers in the immediate term by keeping their blood pressure levels in check. Investigators at the Medical College of Georgia and the Medical College of Wisconsin recently reported in the journals Acta Physiologica and Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health that gut…

Healthy Frozen Foods Dietitians Say You Should Buy

Frozen foods don't have the best reputation in the health world. However, there are plenty of healthy options offered in grocery stores, which is why we asked three experts to share their top picks. Below, you'll see 11 healthy frozen foods registered dietitians say you should buy. Then, don't miss 5 Healthy Costco Food Court Orders, According to Registered Dietitians! Sweet Earth Vegan Veggie Lovers Frozen Pizza "Keep these on…

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