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Where are they now: England’s Euro 96 squad

It does not matter if you were an adult, child or not even born when Euro 96 took place (fucking young and your youth), all fans in England know when football almost came home.After Bobby Robson had led the three lions to the semi-finals of the 1990 World Cup, there was great optimism that they could build on their success thanks to Paul Gascoigne's magical talent - it did not quite go as they had hoped.England team ahead of their semi-final match with Germany / Stu Forster / Getty ImagesEngland finished bottom of their…

Buuranoow, Kuma Doonayno! Jamaahiirta Everton Oo Colaadda Liverpool

Taageereyaasha kooxda kubadda cagta Everton ayaa mudaharaad kala hor-tegay tababaraha la filayo in kooxdaasi magacowdo ee Rafael Benitez, kaas oo ay diiddan yihiin maadaam uu Liverpool u qaaday Champions League iyo FA Cup.Everton iyo Liverpool oo isku magaalo ka dhisan ayay ka dhaxaysaa colaad aad u wyen oo soo jireen ah, waxaana taageereyaasha ku adag, in shaqsi kooxda kale guulo gaadhsiiyey uu iyaga u yimaaddo.Benitez ayaa ku qoran liiska tababareyaasha halyeeyada Liverpool maadaama uu sannadkii 2005 u qaaday Champions…

Arsenal set the summer transfer budget before the squad was rebuilt

Exclusive - Arsenal are prepared to spend almost 250 million pounds on at least five new signings this summer, giving manager Mikel Arteta the chance to rebuild the squad after an eighth place in the Premier League 2020/21 and turn the club's fortune in place.Arsenal will not have any European football next season due to their lowest league match in 25 years, but the Gunners will have to make wholesale changes in the transfer market.90min has learned that Arsenal have been given the green light by the Kroenke family to spend…

Spurs boss news – Gennaro Gattuso talks

Tottenham Hotspur will continue their search for a new manager after deciding to appoint the controversial Italian coach Gennaro Gattuso. This is followed by a significant fan backlash from Spurs fans, many of whom took to Twitter to say #NoToGattuso.Gattuso has previously been accused of sexism, racism and homophobia. Back in 2013, the former AC Milan midfielder said he could not really see women in football, while the same year he downplayed the racist abuse of Kevin-Prince Boateng during a friendly match between Milan…

players with 100 international appearances shines a light on the players with a century of international appearances that can be set to adorn the tournament this summer.176 matches: Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal)Ronaldo was a debutant in Portugal in 2003 and shows no signs of slowing down. Although he was injured in the final, it was to win UEFA EURO 2016 as the forward's top with the national team - who can forget his efforts from the touchline that Paris night? He has gone beyond a century with Portugal's goals and ends Ali Daei's international record all…

Man Utd’s latest financial results published

Manchester United have published financial figures showing a net loss of 18.1 million pounds for the three months ended 31 March 2021 as the effects of the coronavirus pandemic continue to be felt.United had actually made a profit in their last set of quarterly accounts thanks to revenues affected by participation in the Champions League group stage, but a return to the Europa League after Christmas and the continued suppression of other revenue streams means a loss this time.Commercial revenue decreased by 15% compared to…

Man City, Man United, PSG mise Chelsea? Koox Weyn Oo Dalabkii U

Sergio Ramos ayuu xalay soo gaadhay dalabkii ugu horreeyey, waxaana lasoo xidhiidhay mid ka mid ah kooxaha ugu tunka  weyn qaaradda Yurub oo usoo bandhigtay heshiis uu kaga mid noqonayo.Difaaca reer Spain oo shalay macasalaamaeeyyey Real Madrid ayaa ka mid noqday ciyaartoyda loogu doonista badan yahay suuqa, waxaana ku tartamaya qaar ka mid ah kooxaha ugu waaweyn.Manchester United, Manchester City, Juventus iyo PSG ayaa la sheegay inay dhamaantood doonayaan inay heshiis la gaadhaan laacibkan xorta ah ee ay kooxdiisu…

GOLDEN BOOT: Halkee La Kala Marayaa Tartanka Kabta Dahabka Ah Ee

Tartanka kabta dahabka ah ee gool-dhalinta EURO 2020 ayaa si dhab ah u bulowday, waxaana tartameyaasha isku qoray tiro ciyaartooyo ah oo ay ku jiraan qaar ka  mid ah xiddigihii la filayay inay ku loollamaan, kuwaas oo ay wali qaarkood ka maqan yihiin tartanka.Weeraryahanka reer England ee Harry Kane oo ku guuleystay kabta dahabka ah ee Koobkii Adduunka 2018 oo uu ka dhaliyey lix gool, lana saadaalinayay inuu hanan doono kabta dahabka ah ee tartanka Euro ayaan wali shabaqa taaban, waxaana ciyaartii Croatia goolka madiga ah u…

QISO CAJIIB AH: Aabihii Waa Amiir Nigeria Ah, Hooyadiina Waa

David Alaba ayaa ka caawinaya Austria inay rumayso riyada ah inay u gudubto wareegga 16ka tartanka Euro 2020, waxaana kaliya ka xigta in ay sidaas sameeyaan guul ay ka gaadhaan Ukraine ciyaarta ugu dambaysa hormadooda.Laacibkan 28 jirka ah ayaa kulankiisii 83aad u saftay Austria kulankii xalay ay kasoo gaadhay guul-darrada 2-0 ah ee ay Holland ka badisay, taas oo uu waliba sameeyey qaladkii uu ku yimid goolka hore oo rikoodhe ahaa.David Alaba oo dhowaan u wareegay Real Madrid, kana tegay Bayern Munich oo uu kulliyaddeeda…

The last ten meetings between England and Scotland

England vs Scotland is the oldest international match in football, so it is unlikely that you will be tied off your feet when we tell you that the two teams have met quite a few times before.The old rivals are going through their heads at Euro 2020, and it will surely be as tough a meeting as the 115 that have gone before it.One would be forgiven for thinking that England would be far ahead when looking at the winners from their previous meetings, but it is actually much closer than one would expect, with the Three Lions…

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