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Ciyaaryahannadii Ugu Xumaa Taariikhda Premier League Oo Lasoo

Wargeyska FouFourTwo ayaa soo saaray 50kii ciyaartoy ee ugu liitay taariikhda horyaalka Premier League ee kasoo muuqday kooxaha waaweyn ee Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United iyo kuwo kale, waxaana uu muran ka taagan yahay laacibka ku jira kaalinta 1aad.Ciyaartoyga kaalinta koowaad ku jira ayaa noqday Dia oo u ciyaari jiray kooxda Southampton, isla markaana ay ilmo adeer ahaayeen George Weah.Halkan kaga bogo 20ka ugu horreeya ee liiskan, iyadoo aanu dib idiinka soo gudbin doono ciyaartoyda kale:20. Thomas Brolin (Leeds,…

Gool uu Ka Dhaliyay Euro 2020 Ayaa Sababay In Erey Cusub Lagu Kordhiyo

Qaabka uu Lorenzo Insigne goolasha ugu dhaliyo cagtiisa midig ee kubadaha jaran ama saran ayaa loo bixiyay magaca “tiraggiro’, waxaa si rasmi ahna loogu daray khaamuuska Talyaaniga.Waa erey ka kooban seddex erey oo la isku qabtay oo kala ah “tiro a giro’ oo micnaheedu yahay kubad jaran ama kubad saran.Ereygaan waxaa markii ugu horeysay alifay taageerayaasha Napoli kuwaasoo si ka duwan sidaan ugu dhawaaqi jiray taasoo aheyd ‘destraggiro’ – oo ah kubad jaran oo cagta midig lagu soo qaaday.Wuxuu ereygaan caan sii noqday ka dib…

Ladies Olympic football quarterfinal draw

Women's football at the 2020 Olympics has already reached the knockout stages after the group game concluded with match day three on Tuesday.All eight remaining teams participated in the competition with real medal jumps and no one has disappointed so far, with the group game not throwing up anything unexpected during the surprise qualifiers for the knockout rounds.USA fought unexpectedly in the group stage / Brad Smith / ISI Photos / Getty ImagesOlympic football round for women - match day 2: Great Britain, Sweden and the…

Olympics 2020: results for women’s football

The group stage of the Olympic football tournament for women is already over after all 12 teams played their third and final match to decide the final result.Eight of the 12 have advanced to the quarterfinals, with Sweden again impressive, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Brazil all finished with seven points and the USA stuttered again.Here is a complete summary of the final results and a summary of who has qualified for knockouts ...Canada 1-1 Great Britain: Player rating when Team GB set up a quarter final with…

Chelsea Oo Wada-hadallo La Furtay Jules Kounde Oo Ku Jiray Liiska

Kooxda kubadda cagta Chelsea ayaa wada-hadallo la furtay difaaca Sevilla ee Jules Koundé oo ay doonayso in ay lasoo saxeexato ka hor inta aanu xidhmin suuqa iibka ciyaartoyda ee xagaan.Jules Koundé oo ka mid ah difaacyada dhexe ee ugu wanaagsan horyaalka Spain ee LaLiga, qaybna ka ahaa xulka qaranka Faransiiska ee ka qayb-galay tartankii qaramada Yurub ee xagaagan, ayaa waxa shalay uu kusoo baxay liiska xiddigaha ay raadinayso Man United oo doonaysay in ay ka hawl-galaan saxeexiisa kaddib markii ay gacanta ku dhigeen Raphael…

Sawirro: Isagoo La Xambaarsan Yahay Ayuu 2011 Soo Galay Old Trafford,

Wiilka uu dhalay Ryan Giggs Zach ayaa u dheelay kooxda Manchester United ee da’dooda ka yar tahay 16 jirada kuwaasoo xalay 2-0 kaga badiyay dhigooda Coleraine.Da’ yarta Shayaadiinta Cas Cas ayaa labo gool dhaliyay qeybtii hore ee ciyaarta iyagoo booqashadooda Northern Ireland ku bilaabay guul.Zach oo ka dheeli kara daafac dhexe iyo daafacgarab ayaa looga soo yeeray da’ yarta xulka Wales isagoo ka horyimid dhigooda England bishii May.Da’ yarkaan ayaa horumar sii sameynaya isagoo ku soo bilowday kulankii xalay ee Man United ay…

Premier League team to try to sign Isco

It feels like Isco has rotted away in Real Madrid for the past five years.The quality of the Spanish international has never been questioned, but for some reason his career seems to have just hit the buffers - even though his impressive winners' medal collection suggests otherwise. Clubs desperately wanting to release players whose contracts expire next summer seem to be the new trend in football too late, and Isco is the latest to be placed on the transfer list as Real look to avoid losing the Spaniard for free in 2022.With…

Erling Haaland gives a calm reaction to the price tag of 150 million pounds

Borussia Dortmund forward Erling Haaland has joked that he does not think he is worth the 150 million pounds needed to get him this summer.As first revealed in 90 minutes, Chelsea are preparing a huge bid worth up to £ 150 million to land the Norwegians this summer, despite Dortmund's repeated insistence that they will not bid on their most valuable asset.Chelsea are preparing a bid for Haaland / Matthias Hangst / Getty ImagesMany fans have expressed concern about the real price tag, and now Haaland has it too."I had a…

Allegri claims that he rejected Real Madrid

Juventus boss Massimiliano Allegri has provided a number of updates on players such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Giorgio Chiellini and Paulo Dybala and confirmed that he rejected Real Madrid.The newly appointed Juve boss has ended his first press conference since taking the reins at Allianz Stadium after his departure from 2019, and he gave more than his fair share of revelations.? Do not miss! ? ? Capture Max Allegers' first press conference back at Juventus. Live on @JuventusTV from 14:30 CEST! ? ?? Updates to follow!…

Manchester United Oo Maanta Go’aan Xaasaasi Ah Ka Gaadhaysa Marcus

Kooxda kubadda cagta Manchester United ayaa maanta go’aan xaasaasi ah ka gaadhaysa weeraryahankeeda Marcus Rashford oo ay mowqif ka wada qaadanayaan arrin ay isku khilaafsan yihiin.Marcus Rashford ayaa qaab ciyaareedkiisii aan fiicnayn ee tartanka Euro waxa uu ku sababeeyey in uu ahaa dhaawac kasoo gaadhay garabka intii uu socday xilli ciyaareedkii hore, kaas oo sababay in ciyaartiisu hoos u dhacdo.23 jirkan ayaa waqtigaas sheegay, in uu muruqa garabka dillaac ka gaadhay bishii November ee sannadkii hore, illaa waqtigaasna…

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