Somali Prime Minister Lands in Seoul to Spearhead Discussions at the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit

Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre of Somalia, alongside his entourage, has touched down in Seoul, South Korea, for the debut 2024 South Korea–Africa Summit.

At the conference, dignitaries from various African nations, the African Union, and the African Development Bank will converge to hash out key issues like finance, sustainable development, and infrastructure. The convening’s motive, “The Future We Make Together: Shared Growth, Sustainability, and Solidarity,” underscores its importance.

Spokesperson Farhan Mohamed Jimale elucidated the conference’s importance, noting that leaders will brainstorm over pressing global predicaments such as climatic shifts, scarcity of victuals, and health crises.

Prime Minister Barre is slated to discuss the strides Somalia has achieved under his government and expound on the nation’s challenges during his address to the summit.

With its robust population of 1.4 billion and a GDP towering at $3.1 trillion, Africa is a linchpin in the worldwide market. Pundits view South Korea’s collaboration with Africa as a calculated strategy since the region holds a 3% stake in Korean exports and 1% in imports.

This year heralds South Korea’s onset as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC) for the 2024-25 stint. As a freshly minted NATO ally, the nation is set to wield significant sway on the global stage, including matters that impact Africa. During this assembly, African chiefs might seek to negotiate sanctions and foster accord in tumultuous zones like South Sudan and the eastern territories of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Every African nation will spotlight its specific agendas. For instance, at a precursor meeting, Kenya showcased itself as a prime locus for South Korean capital via the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

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