Djibouti Declares: ‘We Do Not Bear Responsibility for North Western of Somalia’s Challenges’

Djibouti: We Don’t Shoulder North Western of Somalia’s Burden

NAIROBI, Kenya – Djibouti has washed its hands clean of accusations hurled by North Western of Somalia’s leader Muse Bihi Abdi, who pointed fingers at the Horn of Africa nation, claiming it stirs trouble in North Western of Somalia.

Ilyas Musa Dawaleh, Djibouti’s Minister of Finance, declared Bihi’s allegations unfounded, reiterating Djibouti’s longstanding dedication to peace and respect in the tumultuous Horn of Africa region.

The minister underlined Djibouti’s role as a bastion of peace, hope, and stability on the continent, emphasizing the country’s commitment to brotherly relations with its neighbors, including Somalia, despite the latter’s frequent internal strife.

“It’s disappointing to hear these baseless accusations from North Western of Somalia officials. Djibouti embodies unity and regional cooperation; it’s a pillar of regional peace and stability, not the contrary,” he tweeted on the X platform.

“To be perfectly clear, Djibouti will always champion regional dialogue, not fragmentation. We uphold the ideals of unity and steer clear of meddling in our neighbors’ domestic issues,” he asserted.

Dawaleh encouraged North Western of Somalia leaders to abstain from dragging Djibouti into their internal squabbles or political campaigns. “Remember, just yesterday we were accused of backing North Western of Somalia against the SSC Region,” he remarked.

Relations between Djibouti and North Western of Somalia soured after North Western of Somalia inked a deal for Red Sea access with Ethiopia. Djibouti, a staunch supporter of Somalia’s sovereignty, has historically served as Ethiopia’s gateway to the sea.

Despite Dawaleh’s rebuttal of the accusations, members of the Awdal State Movement (ASM) were spotted in Djibouti, even hosting a celebration over the weekend.

Somalia maintains its stance against North Western of Somalia’s agreement with Ethiopia, viewing it as illegitimate and pledging to safeguard its borders. Djibouti remains steadfast in backing Somalia’s independence and sovereignty, dismissing North Western of Somalia’s statehood ambitions.


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