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Gobaladda Waqooyi oo uga digtay Turkiga in ciidamadiisa baddu ay usoo gudbaad xeebaheeda

 Arbaco, Luulyo, 24, 2024 (AX) - Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa sheegtay in anay ogolaandoonin in Ciidamada Badda Turkiga ee la rajaynayo in ay yimaadaan xeebaha Soomaaliya ay usoo gudbaad xeebaheeda.Qoraal kasoo baxay Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibadda ayaa lagu baahiyay diidmada Gobaladda Waqooyi ee imaanshaha ciidamada Turkiga, xukuumada Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa sheegtay in Turkigu aanu ciidamo keeni karin xeebaheeda."Xukumada Gobaladda Waqooyi waxay si adag uga soo horjeeda in ciidamo la keeno xeebaha la aqoonsanyahay ee Gobaladda…

South Africa bans alcohol gross sales, tightens curfew

South Africa on Monday tightened COVID-19 restrictions, banned alcohol sales and extended a nationwide curfew, as infections shot through a million marks due to a faster-spreading variant of the disease detected in the country. South Africa has recorded the highest number of coronavirus infections on the continent, with 1,044,413 cases reported and almost 27,000 deaths. Daily cases began to increase rapidly at the end of November to between 10,000 and 14,000. The new variant, called 501.V2, was…

Niger is going to the polls looking for the primary democratic transition

Voting began in Niger on Sunday in an election expected to lead to the West African nation's first transfer of power between two democratically elected presidents. A smooth handover would be a rare bright spot for a country plagued by widespread poverty and violence that has killed hundreds of civilians and soldiers in the past year alone. Niger has experienced four coups since gaining independence from France in 1960. This would also be in contrast to Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea, whose presidents this…

One more genetic mutation of coronavirus detected in Nigeria

While leading researchers were busy understanding the extent of the threat from a new genetic mutation of coronavirus first announced by the UK on Saturday, which has since been found in cases linked to South Africa, a new variant of the virus appears to have emerged in Nigeria , said Africa's top public health representative on Thursday, adding that further investigation is needed. The discovery could increase the pandemic, as the first new strain led to the rapid return of international restrictions…

The USA starts the means of setting up consulates in disputed Western Sahara

The US State Department said on Thursday that the US will open a consulate in Western Sahara following President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Morocco's sovereignty over the disputed region. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement that the process of opening the facility has begun. The process includes finding and securing a suitable property for an assignment before hiring staff. It was not immediately clear when or where it would be open, but until then Pompeo said the US embassy…

Greater than 1 million teenagers in southern Sudan are vulnerable to demise from serious acute malnutrition

Chronic struggle, floods and displacement have pushed no less than 1,000,000 teenagers on the earth's youngest country in South Sudan to the verge of collapse of hunger. Nation. "New knowledge presentations a dramatic enlarge in meals lack of confidence that has pushed 1,000,000 teenagers to the verge of collapse of hunger - to boot as forecasts that this determine will enlarge via 13% in the primary half of of subsequent 12 months," Save the Adolescents stated Wednesday with the group's appearing…

Impasse, disagreements over political task possibility returning to struggle in Libya

A stalemate within the Libyan Political Discussion Discussion board (LPDF) and differing perspectives on forming a central authority with nationwide solidarity threaten the technique of finishing the rustic's civil struggle, whereas higher stories of forces unswerving to Putist normal Khalifa Haftar make bigger their defense force presence in some locations. get guns again. Thirty individuals of the LPDF on December 14 threatened to withdraw from the talks and accused the UN venture of "designing"…

Greater than 100 other people have been killed within the most up-to-date bloodbath alongside ethnic strains in western Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Human Rights Fee says greater than 100 other people were killed within the most up-to-date bloodbath alongside ethnic strains within the western element of the rustic. Amhara Mass Media Company, affiliated with the rustic's Amhara area, quoted witnesses in a separate record as pronouncing that the assault came about early on Wednesday within the Metekel zone of the Benishangul-Gumuz area. The assault got here an afternoon after Top Minister Abiy Ahmed visited the area and spoke concerning…

UN guarantees to protected vote in Central African Republic, fears continual vacuum

The United International locations acknowledged on Wednesday it turned into "deeply involved" by means of unrest within the Central African Republic, which it acknowledged posed a major risk to public safety and to imminent elections. The Central African Republic's fourth greatest metropolis, Bambari, turned into seized by means of rebels on Tuesday prior to presidential and legislative polls scheduled for Sunday. It's miles now again underneath the regulate of UN peacekeepers and nationwide safety…

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