Somali President Firmly Denies Negotiations with Al-Shabaab

Somalia President Rejects Al-Shabaab Negotiations

MOGADISHU, Somalia – President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia has firmly dismissed allegations that the Federal Republic of Somalia is engaged in discussions with the Al-Shabaab faction. For over ten years, this militant group has wrought havoc and sparked turmoil, resulting in the loss of countless lives.

Starting in 2007, Al-Shabaab’s ambition was to overthrow Somalia’s unstable UN-backed federal government. However, their progress has waned over time, largely due to robust security measures and operations initiated by the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).

ATMIS has commenced a phased withdrawal of troops, raising fears that militants might seize critical government facilities, prompting calls for negotiation to ensure stability. The group is connected with Al-Qaeda.

In a recent address, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud dismissed circulating rumors about ongoing talks, rampant on mainstream and social media across the Horn of Africa.

“There are no negotiations currently, and there are no subjects worth discussing at this moment,” President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud declared, emphasizing the absence of any such plans contrary to media assertions.

He didn’t entirely dismiss future discussions, suggesting, “If, by divine will, there’s a mutual topic of interest, we may then consider dialogue.”

Al-Shabaab has retreated from significant positions since the launch of the second wave of counter-operations, particularly in Hirshabelle and Galmudug regions.

Somalia recently initiated the next phase targeting Jubaland and Southwest states, but progress has been sluggish due to various conditions, including the departure of ATMIS personnel. Nearly 9,000 ATMIS troops have already exited the country.

ATMIS, alongside the US Africa Command, has significantly bolstered the Somali National Army’s capabilities over the past decade. Al-Shabaab has also faced setbacks in revenue generation and internal discord, weakening the group substantially.


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