Somali Leaders Extend Heartfelt Eid al-Adha Blessings to All Somalis

Mogadishu (AX) — Somali bigwigs, including President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre, have extended their felicitations to the Muslim ummah, particularly Somalis, celebrating Eid Al-Adha.

They expressed wishes for enduring advancement, prosperity, and stability for Islamic nations and the global Muslim community.

President Mohamud praised the Somali National Army’s frontliners and urged everyone to extend forgiveness and assist the needy.

Highlighting the Eid’s significance, Prime Minister Barre underscored unity, compassion, and faith. He voiced the government’s desire for progress and development in the upcoming year and called upon the citizens to back the government and the military.

Parliament Speakers Sheikh Aden Madobe and Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, along with regional leaders, also extended greetings to the populace, legislators, and their kin.

The United Nations in Somalia celebrated as well, underlining the critical need to bolster solidarity, tolerance, and stability nationwide.

“On behalf of the entire United Nations family in Somalia, I wish you all a tranquil and joyous Eid Al-Adha,” conveyed James Swan, the Acting Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia.

A four-day holiday for both public and private sectors has been declared for Eid.

Eid Al-Adha, one of Islam’s paramount festivals, translates to “festival of the sacrifice.” It coincides with the Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah, an obligation for every Muslim who can perform it at least once in their lifetime.

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