Resilient Dhobley: Rebuilding a Somali Community Torn by Conflict

Dhobley, a town in southern Somalia, once plagued by violence and attacks, now boasts a new tarmac road connecting it to Afmadhow, a key city in the Juba region near Kenya. The road, constructed by the Kenya Defence Forces as part of their mission in Somalia, has transformed the town.

In the past, Dhobley struggled with a lack of basic services, particularly inadequate healthcare due to years of conflict. Fortunately, the KDF has been instrumental in supplying medicines and medical equipment to the Dhobley General Hospital to keep it operational.

With Sector 2 Atmis Commander Brigadier Seif Salim Rashid overseeing operations in Dhobley, the local community receives medical support and evacuation services when necessary. Lt-Colonel Jared Kebaso leads KDF medics in attending to residents in need, ensuring that the medical facility remains operational and effective in addressing health issues.

Despite progress, challenges persist, such as dealing with the evolving threat posed by Al Shabaab. Brigadier Rashid emphasizes the importance of training and mentoring Somali Security Forces to enhance their capabilities before Atmis’ mandate ends.

In addition to healthcare, KDF is actively involved in supporting education and women’s empowerment initiatives in Dhobley. The construction of classrooms at Wamo Primary and Secondary School has had a positive impact on teachers and students. A budget has been allocated to assist the Dhobley Women Group in generating income and improving their skills.

The growing business activity in Dhobley reflects a sense of normalcy returning to the region, attracting Kenyan entrepreneurs seeking opportunities. Despite recent tragic events involving Kenyans in Dhobley, the town’s district commissioner remains committed to fostering a business-friendly environment for all.

As the people of Dhobley strive for peace and stability, the journey towards lasting progress continues. Brigadier Rashid remains focused on enhancing security, protecting civilians, promoting peace, and strengthening the capacity of Somali security forces to ensure a safe and stable future for Dhobley.

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