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Jubbaland State Leader Convenes with Lower House Speaker to Deliberate on Countrywide Progressions

In Mogadishu, the leader of Jubbaland State, Ahmed Mohamed Islam, held talks with Lower House Speaker Sheikh Adan Mohamed Noor Madobe to discuss important national matters. The leaders focused on combating al-Shabab, dealing with potential floods, and addressing political issues in Jubbaland State. The Federal Government's Minister of Animal Husbandry, Hassan Hussein Mohamed Elaay, also joined the meeting to address the impact of floods on livestock in Jubbaland. Severe rains and flash floods have wreaked havoc and forced…

Exploring North Western of Somalia’s Pursuit of Global Recognition: Analyzing the Latest Progressions in the Quest

North Western of Somalia's Search for Global Recognition: Recent Events Explored In a major breakthrough, North Western of Somalia's President revealed Ethiopia's plan to acknowledge the region as an independent state. This declaration was made during the 33rd anniversary celebration of North Western of Somalia's self-proclaimed independence from Somalia. Although the Ethiopian government has not issued an official statement confirming this diplomatic advancement, recent ambassadorial appointments hint at the shift.…

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