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Fatalities Reported Following Cyclone Ialy in Kenya’s Coastal Area

Volunteers are helping to clear debris from the roads in the Mbaraki area of Mombasa County, Kenya, after a cyclone caused destruction on May 21, 2024. The cyclone, known as Ialy, escalated from a tropical storm and brought strong winds, rain, and high waves to the Indian Ocean, resulting in two deaths and six injuries in Kenya's coastal region on Tuesday evening. Police in Kilifi County confirmed the tragic death of a young schoolgirl after the strong winds ripped the roof off a classroom, and another individual died when…

Southwest CEO Calls for Action to Aid Cyclone Ialy Relief Efforts

President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed from the Southwest regional state paid a visit to the headquarters of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) in Mogadishu on Tuesday. This visit came after the agency issued a warning about the approaching Tropical Cyclone Ialy in the southwestern and southern areas. During his visit, the regional leader held discussions with the agency's Commissioner, Mohamud Moalim Abdulle, about the humanitarian efforts being made and the potential impact that Cyclone Laly could have on specific…

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