Xog: Xasan Sheekh iyo Sheekh Shariif oo Rooble la wadaagay a…

Muqdisho (Axadle) – Ilo-wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa Axadle u sheegay in Madaxweynayaashii hore ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ay Ra’iisul Wasaare Maxamed Xuseen Rooble u gudbiyeen cabasho ay ka qabaan sida ay baarista u sameeyeen guddigii heerka wasiir ee loo saaray kala saarista xubnaha guddiga doorashooyinka ee cabashada laga qabo.  Labadaan Madaxweyne oo sidoo kale Murashaxiin ah ayaa qoraalka ay u…

Orange premises ravaged by fire

In the Central African Republic, a fire broke out on the evening of Sunday, June 6, at the operator's premises and robbed its subscribers of telephone and internet. It should take at least days, if not weeks, to restore the services. as reported from Bangui, Carol Valade From Orange data center, radio installations and the…

Drinking this for 3 days can start weight loss, science says

In recent years, there has been a healthy debate about a particular approach to dieting and diet. If you have ever been curious, a new report suggests that juicing can be a powerful way to narrow down and even maintain your weight loss goals in some cases. It makes sense that a liquid diet can help you lose weight fast, but there is even cooler science behind why juicing can actually help you lose weight. For various reasons, some nutritionists are not huge…

These Are the Best States for Berry Picking

Fall may have pumpkins and apples, but in the summer, it's all about the berries. When the weather gets warmer, a great outdoor activity is none other than berry picking. You can do it anywhere in the U.S., but there are some states that have better in-season berries than others. So if you're planning a trip or want to do something fun locally, this guide is for you. The team at Gurney's went ahead and pinpointed the best states for all your berry picking needs. They analyzed a variety of factors including weather, growing…

XAASAASI: Ganaaxii FIFA & UEFA Ee Real Madrid, Barcelona Iyo Juventus

Kooxaha kubadda cagta Real Madrid, Barcelona iyo Juventus ayaa ka guuleystay xidhiidhada kubadda cagta FIFA iyo UEFA oo ku hanjabayay in ay ka ganaaxi doonaan tartanka Champions League, isla markaana lacago ciqaab ah la dul-dhigi doono.Madaxweynaha xidhiidhka kubadda cagta Yurub ee UEFA ayaa dhowaan sheegay in ganaax illaa laba sannadood ah laga saari doono saddexdan kooxood ka qayb-galka Champions League, kaddib markii ay samaysteen tartanka European Super League (ESL), isla markaana ay diideen in ay ka laabtaan.UEFA ayaa…

two Chinese nationals kidnapped in the west

Two Chinese nationals were abducted on Sunday evening, June 6, at a gold mine in western Niger, in the village of Mbanga. It is the first time Chinese have been kidnapped in this region bordering Burkina Faso. By Monday evening, the research had not yielded anything yet. as reported from Niamey, Moussa KakaThey are two Chinese…

Each confirmed Premier League transfer

Premier League clubs are hoping for a return to normalcy this summer after the impact the coronavirus pandemic has had in the last two seasons.Last summer's transfer market was turned upside down. But even though Euro 2020 and the Copa America have taken place this year, time frames and deadlines are back to normal.Every Premier League club has completed at least one new signing so far, with Manchester City's £ 100m catch by Jack Grealish setting a new British transfer record. Manchester United have landed Jadon Sancho for…

Tababaraha Xulka Belgium Oo Ka Dayriyey Xaaladda Eden Hazard

Eden Hazard ayaa ciyaaray 10 daqiiqadood oo kaliya kulankii u dambeeyey ee saaxiibtinimo ee xulka qaranka Belgium iskugu diyaarinayay tartanka qaramada Yurub ee Jimcaha bilaabmaya, laakiin tababare Roberto Martinez ayaa shaki geliyey xaaladda taam ahaansho ee laacibkan.Hazard ayaa xilli ciyaareedkii tegay waxa uu inta badan dhaawac kaga maqnaa Real Madrid iyadoo muddadii koobnayd ee uu taamka ahaana uu ciyaar liidata la imanayay, taas oo ka dhigan in Los Blancos ay illaa hadda ka sugayso wixii ay lacagta badan uga soo…

Henderson Mise De Gea? Jose Mourinho Oo Ole Gunnar Solskjaer U Sheegay

Jose Mourinho ayaa ka hadlay tartanka goolhayeyaasha Manchester United ee David de Gea iyo Dean Henderson oo xilli ciyaareedkii dhamaaday uu midkoodba mar ahaa goolhayaha sida joogtada ah ugu soo bilowda kulamada horyaalka Premier League, halka uu ka kalena kaydka kasoo daawanayay.Ole Gunnar Solskjaer ayay shaqo adag u taallaa, waxaana laga sugayaa in go’aan ka qaato inta aanu xilli ciyaareedka dambe bilaabmin midka noqonaya goolhayihiisa koowaad Dean Henderson iyo David de Gea, iyadoo canaan loo jeediyey goolhayaha reer…

Farxaan Qaroole oo tallaabo qaaday kadib muuqaal sir ah oo l…

Muqdisho (Axadle) –Taliyaha ciidanka booliska qeybta gobolka Banaadir Farxaan Maxamuud Qaroole ayaa maanta kormeer ku tegay qeybo ka mid ah wadada xariirisa magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Afgooye oo tan iyo markii la dhisay ay dadka isticmaala ka cabanayeen isbaarooyin xad-dhaaf ah, jir-dil iyo dhac ay kula kacayeen ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya. Taliyaha ayaa dadkii ku sugnaa goobaha uu tegay waxa uu sheegay in maalmaha soo socda dib loo…

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