CEI prepares the final electoral roll

In Côte d'Ivoire, just over a month before the presidential election, the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) announced on Tuesday 29 September that it had drawn up its final electoral roll on 24 September. The country now has 7.5 million voters. Aiming for group breaks from the opposition, the institution intends to continue its march towards the presidential election on 31 October despite criticism and ultimatums. The numbers on the final electoral roll confirm this: Ivorians have registered in numbers this year.…

Al-Shabaab publicly executes elder by firing squad

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based al-Shabaab activists continued their spate of killings in parts of the country, targeting critics and suspected opponents, using brutal execution methods, which often prompted retaliation from residents and members of the international community. On Monday, the group executed Hassan Aden Ali, 44, a prominent alumnus from Hiran, central Somalia, using the deadly firing squad. It is not known why the activists targeted the elder and the group has yet to release a statement regarding…

Lionel Messi Oo War Weyn Oo Kale Kasoo Yeedhay, Khilaafkii

Lionel Messi ayaa markii ugu horreysay si cad u sheegay inuu wax walba u hurayo sidii ay Barcelona guulo u gaadhi xili ciyaareedkan, isla markaana uu dhamaaday khilaafkii u dhexeeyey isaga iyo maamulka oo ay meel iska dhigayaan.Messi oo xagaagan si lama filaan ah u shaaciyey inuu ka tegayo Barcelona ayaa muran sharci iyo hadal hayn muddo socotay kaddib, waxa uu go’aansaday inuu dhamaysto sannadka uga hadhsan heshiiskiisa, taas oo mar kale uu ka dambeysiiyey hadal cadho weyni ka muuqatay oo kasoo yeedhay markii uu Luis Suarez…

In focus: still no lifting of sanctions in Mali

"Mali is far from restoring trade and diplomatic exchanges with its neighbors, ECOWAS member states, notes the Maliweb information pagedespite the appointment of a retired soldier as president and a civilian at the head of the transitional government. "What is stuck for the subregional organization are the powers given to the transitional president, Colonel Assimi Goïta, leader of the coup leaders on 18 August. In fact, he…

Dabka ka kaca Goobaha Ganacsiga Dhuusamareeb & Dab damis

Kaalin shidaal oo ku taalla meel u dhaw Xarunta Dowladda Hoose ee Dhuusamareeb waxaa saakay qabsaday dab aan la xaqiijin ilaa haatan waxa uu ka dhacay, balse saameyn dhaqaale u geystay dhismo ganacsi oo u dhawaa kaalinta. Dad wata sakeelo lagu shubay carro iyo biyo, Booyaha shaqsiyaadka ganacsatada ay leeyihiin & Dhalinyarada magaalada ayaa ku howlan daminta dabka si uusan u reebin saameyn dhaqaale oo kale. Magaalada Dhuusamareeb malahan Dab damis, waxaana la adeegsadaa…

Central African Republic: “We are ready to go to the polls”

In front of the members of his party, the United Hearts Movement, Central African President Faustin-Archange Touadéraa announced on Saturday his candidacy for the presidential election scheduled for December 27 in the Central African Republic. "It is a heavy responsibility. A very heavy responsibility. I agree to be your candidate, ”the head of state declared. Évariste Ngamana, chief rapporteur and spokesman for the MCU, which held its first congress there, answers RFI's questions. .

what equation for the formation of the transitional government?

Appointed Prime Minister of Mali on Sunday, Moctar Ouane was received on Monday by the president and the first interim vice-president, and he began consultations with a view to forming a government. Its aim is to put together a team of women and men with different backgrounds, a government with national unity, by also offering positions to armed groups involved in the peace process. Discussions are being held in Kati, near Bamako, and the soon-to-be-disbanded junta, but also in the office of the President of the…

Brighton vs Man United – Ole Oo Imtixaan Kale Maraya,

Afar maalmood kaddib kulankoodii horyaalka Premier League ee ciyaarta oo dhamaatay ay Manchester United heshay rikoodhaha uu VAR u go’aamiyey ayay mar kale Brighton garoonkeeda ku martigelinaysaa Red Devils, waxaana doorkan ay ku dagaallamayaan midkoodii u gudbi lahaa wareegga shanaad ee tartanka EFL Cup ama Carabao Cup, kaas oo ay hore iskaga sii xaadirisay Tottenham oo rikoodheyaal kusii garaacday Chelsea.Garoonka Amex Stadium ayaa mar kale hoy u noqonaya Brighton iyo Man United toddobaad gudihii, waxaase ay kooxda martida…

Hir-Shabeelle oo u digtay Dad ka Ganacsada Biyo aan nadiif

Dad ka Ganacsada Biyaha laga qaado Magaalada Baladweyne si loogu iib geeyo qoysaska ka barakacay Fatahaadda Wabiga Shabeelle uu ku sameeyay Xarunta Gobalka Hiiraan ayaa looga digay ka gacansiga Biyaha aan Caafimaad wanaagsaneen. Wasaaradda Tamarta & Biyaha DG Hir-Shabeelle ayaa sheegtay in Gawaari Booyado ah lagu qaado Biyo wasaqeysan oo aan caafimaad ahaan u wanaagsan dadka laga qaado Magaalada Baladweyne. Isu duwaha Wasaaradda Tamarta & Biyaha Hir-Shabeelle Cawil…

DANAB oo sheegtay in Sarkaal katirsan Al-Shabaab ku dishay

Howlgal qorsheysan oo ay fuliyeen Ciidanka sida gaarka ah u tababaran ee DANAB ayay saraakiisha hoggaamineysa ay sheegeen in ay dileen sarkaal katirsan Al-Shabaab oo ku sugnaa Deegaanka Yaaqbari weyne ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose. Howlgalkaan ayaa dhacay kadib markii Ciidamada DANAB ay heleen xog la xiriirta sarkaalka katirsan Al-Shabaab sidaasina uu ku dhacay waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeen saraakiisha Ciidanka DFS. Dowladda Federaalka ma aysan dhaafsiin xogta howlgalka dilka ah…

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