Manchester United Oo Shaqada Ka Caydhinaysa Ole Gunnar

Manchester United ayaa xidhiidh la samaysay Mauricio Pochettino si uu u noqdo tababaraha cusub ee United oo uu shaqada uga beddelo Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, kaas oo la sheegayo in shaqada laga caydhin doono xilli ay kooxdu samaysay saxeexyo muhiim ah.Red Devils oo kulankii ugu dambeeyey horyaalka ay Tottenham ku garaacday 6-1 ayaa waxay maalintii ugu dambaysay suuqa iibka ciyaartoyda shaacisay saddex saxeex oo ah Edinson Cavani, Alex Telles iyo Amada Diallo (bisha January ayuu laacibkani imanayaa).Sidoo kale, waxay…

Dib ugu laabashada Trump ee Aqalka Cad oo dood cusub

Trump oo aan xirneen Face Mask ayaa dib ugu laabtay Aqalka Cad Hogaamiyaha Mareykanka Donald Trump ayaa dib ugu laabtay Aqalka cad kadib maalmo kooban oo uu daryeel Caafimaad ku qaatay isbitaal militari oo loo dhigay kadib markii xaaladdiisa laga deeriyay. Trump waxaa laga helay Xannuunka Covid-19, habeen kahor muuqaal kooban oo 4-daqiiqo socday ayuu soo dhigay bartiisa Twitter-ka, diiradda waxa uu ku saaray caafimaadkiisa oo uu ku tilmamaay in uu wanaagsan yahay kadib 48-saac…

Mali: “Soldiers have shown no confidence in civilians”

The composition of the Malian transitional authorities was introduced on Monday, October 5, 5 days after Prime Minister Moctar Ouane took workplace and a month and a half after the August 18 coup. Sturdy presence of CNSP troopers, decreased involvement of the M5-RFP coalition: what are the brand new balances, how can we learn the composition of the Malian Transitional Authorities? Brema Ely Dicko,…

Cuba oo DFS kala hadashay habka loosoo furan karo dhaqaatiir

Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda Cuba Bruno Rodriguez ayaa xiriir telefoon la sameeyay dhiggiisa Soomaaliya Danjire Axmed Ciise Cawad oo ay kawada hadleen habka loosoo furan karo dhaqaatiir u dhalatay dalkaas oo gacanta Al-Shabaab ku jira muddo sanad ka badan. Bruno ayaa qoraal uusoo dhigay bartiisa Twitter-ka ku sheegay in Xukuumadda Soomaaliya uu kala hadlay qaabka loo fududeyn karo soo deynta Assel Herrera & Landy Rodriguez oo ah labada dhaqtar ee Afduubka ku maqan. “Xiriir…

Abaabul dagaal oo ka socda Duleedka Degmada Balcad ee

Ciidamada dowladda federaalka iyo askar katirsan kuwa Daraawiishta DG Hir-Shabeelle ayaa dhaq-dhaqaaqyo ciidan saakay kawada deegaanno dhaca duleedka magaalada balcad ee gobolka shabeelaha Dhexe. Askartaan ayaa shalay fulisay howlgal qorsheysan oo ka dhacay deegaanno dhowr ah oo duleedka ka ah Degmada Balcad ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe oo ay ku sugan yihiin Al-Shabaab. Saraakiisha Ciidanka ayaa sheegay in ujeedka howlgalkaas uu ahaa burburinta goobo ay ku sugnaayeen Al-Shabaab,…

10 ways to eat pasta without getting fat

Pasta is our go-to weeknight dinner because it's so easy. Dinner that comes together in less than 15 minutes - where do we sign up? But eating pasta every day can have its drawbacks, namely weight gain. It is not that pasta is inherently a fat-forming food; it is mostly that we eat too much of it. Did you know that the recommended serving size for pasta is only 2 ounces? According to the National Pasta Association (yes, that's a real thing), Americans eat an…

the cattle still sent to the Grand Magal in spite of the difficulties

For the largest pilgrimage of the Mouride fraternity, which takes place this Tuesday, October 6, there is no party without the distribution of beef dishes. Every year, tens of thousands of cattle come from Senegal and neighboring countries. This year, organizers and believers had to deal with the closure of the borders linked to Covid-19 and the coup on 18 August in Mali. as reported from Dakar Touba has its Magal, its great mosque, its innumerable followers and its Bérndé. This Wolof word denotes the festivities, the…

after Covid-Organics, the president announces an anti-Covid capsule

Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina announced in a speech on Sunday that Pharmalagasy has started production of a capsule that could "cure malaria, dengue and Covid-19". This time, the drug, called CVO +, is made from a plant, artemisinin, like Covid-Organics. Malagasy officials promise scientific evidence of its effectiveness. as reported from Madagascar, One capsule morning, noon, and evening to avoid having Covid-19. This is the promise of CVO +, which is only waiting for a final arbitration on its price to be put…

Nigerian stars call for dismantling of controversial police unit

In Nigeria, singing stars like Wizkid are visiting the debate on police violence as authorities announce reform of the special federal police unit tasked with fighting robberies and armed robberies. as reported from Lagos The special anti-robber brigade - SARS - is regularly questioned by the population and human rights defenders for its abuses. Over the weekend, the police chief stated that the officers in this team could no longer perform identity checks or road checks. But social networks continue to ignite in…

a major lawsuit filed against Paul Rusesabagina and members of the FLN

On Monday at a press conference, the attorney general announced that he wanted Paul Rusesabagina, the film Hotel Rwanda's hero, to file a lawsuit with members of the FLN, an armed group behind several attacks in Rwanda. as reported from Kigali, The prosecution finds that it is preferable to attach 19 files, all of which are directly or indirectly linked to attacks committed in 2018 in the Nyungwe region, and claimed by FLN. Aimable Havugiyaremye, Attorney General, said: “We are detaining 16 FLN fighters and we want…

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