Cellou Dalein Diallo accuses Alpha Condé of splitting Guineans

Our nation has been plunged into a cycle of state violence that has gripped us for a decade now. State crimes committed under the current regime and the instrumentalisation of the ethnic divide that characterizes this regime constitute a real obstacle to national unity and social cohesion. Cellou Dalein Diallo, Guinea's presidential candidate RFI President Alpha Condé is a guest at RFI and France 24 this Tuesday. He will be at the microphone of Christophe Boisbouvier and Marc Perelman. An interview can be found on Tuesday…

Xiddig Si Lama Filaan Ah Loogu Wareejiyay Maaliyadii No.9 Ee

Ka dib markii uu xirmay suuqa kala iibsiga ciyaartoyda Yurub, kooxda Barcelona ayaa shaacisay lambarada ay xiran doonaan ciyaartoydooda xilli ciyaareedkan 2020-21.Lambarka sida weyn loo sugayay cida la siin doono waa maaliyada No.9 ee uu ka tagay Luis Suarez kaasoo xagaagan u wareegay kooxda Atletico Madrid.Laakiin lambarkaan waxaa si lama filaan ah loo siiyay Martin Braithwaite kaasoo haatan xiran doona maaliyada No.9 ee uu ka tagay Luis Suarez.Da’ yarka Ronald Araujo ayaa sii ceshtay maaliyadiisa No.4 madaama ay…

ECOWAS lifts the sanctions imposed since the August 18 coup

This is the end of the embargo that has weighed on Mali since the coup on August 18 against President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. The Community of West African States has therefore announced that the sanctions will be lifted. as reported from Bamako, The statement by the Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on Mali was published this Tuesday, October 6, at the end of the morning. The declaration is signed by the Ghanaian President, Nana Akufo-Addo, who is currently…

land for rent to revive agriculture among the black population

The government will lease 700,000 acres of farmland to black farmers. Land belonging to the South African state. The program is scheduled to start next week, October 15, 2020. In a country where the land is mainly owned by whitesdespite being a minority, President Cyril Ramaposa's goal is to redress racial inequalities. In total, this corresponds to 896 farms that will be rented. Agricultural land that is either underutilized or free. The lease is valid for 30 years with the option to buy the land back after a few…

release of emergency aid to 28 countries, including 22 African

The IMF is still at the bedside of the poorest in this time of global crisis. The fund on Monday approved new emergency aid for 28 countries, 22 of which are in Africa. The money received will allow them to either alleviate their debt or help fund the fight against the effects of the pandemic, the IMF says. Last April, The IMF relieved the debt in 25 countries among the poorest by activating an emergency mechanism, the Trust Fund for Assistance and Response to Natural Disasters. A fast and efficient tool, a giant purse of…

Axmed Madoobe: Doorasho kama dhagayso Gedo inta ciidanka

Hogaamiyaha Dowlad-goboleedka Jubaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa maanta furay Kal-Fadhiga Sadexaad ee Golaha Wakiilada maamulkaasi . Hogaamiyaha Dowlad-goboleedka Jubaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa maanta furay Kal-Fadhiga Sadexaad ee Golaha Wakiilada maamulkaasi isagoo khudbadiisa furitaanka kaga hadlay arimaha doorashooyinka, amaanka iyo xaallada Gobolka. Axmed Madoobe ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in loo baahan yahay in kahor Doorashada Xildhibaanada Federaalka ah xal laga gaaro…

Xiddiga Cusub Ee Arsenal Thomas Partey Oo Warqad Furan U

Xiddiga khadka dhexe Thomas Partey ayaa u qoray warqad furan taageerayaasha Atletico Madrid ka dib markii uu ka tagay kooxda kuna biiray Arsenal xalay oo Isniin aheyd.Wargeyska AS ayaa qortay in kooxda ay ka carootay sida heshiiska loo dhameystiray madaama midkoodna kooxda ama ciyaaryahanka uu ku wargelin waayay kooxda in la burburinayo qandaraaskiisa.Taas bedelkeeda, Atletico waxay wargelin ka heshay La Liga kuwaasoo Arsenal ka helay 50ka milyan euro ee lagu burburinayo qandaraaska ciyaaryahanka halka wakiilada xiddiga ay…

Taliska ciidanka xoogga dalka & Hirshabeelle oo ka hadlay

Askari ka tirsan ciidanka Xoogga dalka oo ku dhagan qoriga laga rido gawaarida dushooda. Taliyaha Ciidamada xoogga dalka qeybta 143-aad Dhamme Axmed Xasan Siyaad ayaa waxa uu warbaahinta ciidamada ee SNA radio u sheegay iney dileen laba sargaal oo ka tirsanaa Al-shabaab, kadib howl-gal ciidamada ay ka sameeyeen deegaanno hoostaga Bariire oo ka tirsan Gobolka Shabeellaha hoose ee Koonfur galbeed Soomaaliya . Waxa uu tilmaamay inuu howl-galka yimid kadib xuuraan ay heleen oo ku…

Iran oo sheegtay in ay si aan kala sooc lahayn ugu aar-gudi

Iran ayaa ku eedeysay dowlada Mareykanka, dilkii General Qassem Soleimani,oo ay horay ugu eedayn jirtay dilkiisa madaxweynaha dalkaasi sida uu yiri afhayeenka wasaarada arimaha dibada ee Iran. Soleimani, oo ahaa ninka labaad ee ugu awooda badan Iran, ayaa isaga iyo sarkaal reer Ciraaq ah 3 Janaayo lagu dilay meel u dhow garoonka diyaaradaha ee Baghdad ka dib markii lala beegsaday duqeyn diyaaradeed oo Trump amray. Hogaamiyaha Mareykanka, oo aan ogeysiin aqalka Congress ee…

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