Wasiir Caadle oo Qabyo ku tilmaamay Guddiga Dhismaha

Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha & Dowladaha hoose ee DG Hir-Shabeelle Maxamed Cali Caadle oo la hadlay BBC-da ayaa ka hadlay khilaafka soo kala dhexgalay Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdi Waare iyo Guddiga Dhismaha Baarlamaanka labaad ee maamulkaas. Khilaafka ayaa ka dhashay kadib markii guddigu uu soo saaray habraaca jadwalka xareynta Ergada, xulista Baarlamaanka, diyaarinta, dhaarinta ilaa fadhigooda ugu horeeyo waqtiga ay yeelanayaan. Wasiir Caadle ayaa sheegay in Guddigu uu qabyo…

Kenya oo walwal ka muujisay Weerarada Al-Shabaab ee Basaska

Saraakiil katirsan Booliiska Kenya ayaa Warbaahinta gudaha u sheegay in weerarkii labaad oo lagu qaaday Gaari bas ah uu ka dhacay Gudaha Dalkaas gaar ahaan deegaannada dhulka Soomaalida ee Kenya maamusho. Dhacdadii ugu dambeysay waa weerar lagu qaaday bas mararay inta u dhaxeysa Ceelwaaq iyo Kotulo, kadib markii koox hubeysan oo loo maleynayo in ay katirsan yihiin A-Shabaab weerartay bas ka yimid Magaalada Nairobi. Inta la xaqiijiyay waxaa dhaawac soo gaaray 8-ruux oo qaarkood…

30 Easy Counting Calories Alternatives to Lose Weight

Yes, of course, calories matter when it comes to weight loss—burn more than you consume each day and you'll blast away your stomach fat—but that doesn't mean you have to log them religiously to ensure you're eating less. (Not to mention, if you're familiar with counting calories, you know it makes eating feel as fun as math class.) So instead of pulling out your logbook and pens, follow these tips and you'll naturally begin to drop weight while healing your body and satisfying hunger pangs, ensuring your belly doesn't…

DFS oo sheegtay in ay burburisay Gaari Qarax waday & Miino

Ciidamada Miliatirga DFS ayaa howlgal miino baaris ah ka sameeyay wadada u dhaxeysa Balcad & Basra ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe, kadib markii gaari dad rayid ah ay la socdeen uu dulmaray miino ku qaraxday. Dadka deegaanka & saraakiil ciidan ayaa Axadle u sheegay in askarta Dowladda Federaalka ay xirtay qaar kamid ah waddooyinka duleedka ka ah Magaalada Balcad inta uu socday howlgalka miino baarista ah oo waxa ay joojiyeen isu socodka dadka iyo gaadiidka dadka beeraleyda…

negotiations continue with other rebel movements

In Sudan, negotiations continue with the two major rebel movements that have not signed the text, following the signing of peace agreements with certain armed groups last weekend. There is still much to be done for Khartoum to understand to the two absent from Juba, the movement of Abdelaziz al-Hilu and Darfouri Abdelwahid el-Nur. Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok repeated it the following Sunday the signing of the Juba Agreements. One of his most important tasks now is to find common ground with the important uprising of…

No breakthrough in sight in relations between Rwanda and Burundi

Last August, President Evariste Ndayishimiye opposed a rejection of Paul Kagame's outstretched hand, proposing to turn the page after five years of squabbling. And despite the recent meeting between military intelligence from the two countries and the return of more than a thousand Burundian refugees, a new incident took place in the border area.…

the exorbitant costs of recent electoral processes pointed out in a report

The Electoral Commission's general report on the final cycles of the election will be examined during this parliamentary session. CENI's management of the electoral process had been widely criticized, as had the funds set aside to organize it. What does this report tell us? Between May 2018 and April 2019, following the preparation of the election dossier, Ceni received more than half a billion dollars to organize three elections, presidential election, legislative and provincial. Almost half of this amount would have…

the opposition draws horizons to postpone the election

Envoys from ECOWAS, the African Union and the United Nations continued their mission of "preventive diplomacy" in Abidjan on Tuesday. After the president, after the ministers and institutions responsible for the election yesterday, they met on Tuesday, October 6, with the presidential candidates on October 31, as well as with the political parties, the RHDP and the opposition. The opposition, which still rejects Ouattara's candidacy, which it considers unconstitutional, and which still demands a new CEI, a new constitutional…

these fumes that poison the people of Malagasy

For two weeks, the Tananariv capital has been surrounded by a thick mantle of fog that is visible for miles around and suffocates its inhabitants. The years go by and the situation is still the same. as reported from Antananarivo, As the hot season approaches, the Big Island gets a new face. Slash-and-burn cultivation (tavy) is in full swing among farmers, masonry runs night and day, bush fires set the plains on fire. These intense periodic fumes are added to the daily smoke from coal mining in forests, old vehicles…

Son of French hostages speaks to FRANCE 24

Sebastian Chadaud-Petronin, son of kidnapped aid worker Sophie Petronin, flew to the Malian capital Bamako on Tuesday before her possible release. He told FRANCE 24 that the family remains cautious about the news. Petronin, who is in his 70s, was released along with Malian opposition leader Cisse in exchange for the release of many suspected Islamist rebels by the Malian authorities, three sources told Reuters on Monday. Malian and French authorities have neither confirmed nor denied that Sophie Petronin and abducted…

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