at the EU summit, all concerns were put on the table

The political dialogue between the DRC and the European Union ended on Tuesday. For two days, about ten ministers and the Ambassador of the European Union and his team had the opportunity to address all common concerns. Open and honest discussions, both sides say. The organization of an annual dialogue is one of the provisions of Cotonou Agreement, but in the Congo it had not been held since 2009. Note this DRC complained that the Directive ofEuropean Unionon the imposition of sanctions against companies that buy minerals…

NISA negotiates release of Cuban doctors in possession of Al-Shabaab

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Two Cuban doctors kidnapped by Al-Shabaab militants have been released, 18 months after their dramatic abduction, raising eyebrows over the doctor's security in Kenya, where their government had reached an agreement with Nairobi as part of strengthening bilateral ties. Surgeon Landy Rodríguez and general medicine specialist Assel Herrera were kidnapped on April 12, 2019, when the car in which they were traveling to the hospital in the border town of Mandera was attacked by alleged members of the…

Al Shabaab oo sii daaysay 2 dhakhtar oo reer Cuba ah!. –

Dagaalyahana Al-Shabaab ayaa sii daayay labo dhakhtar oo u dhashay Cuba oo laga afduubtay Kenya laguna haystay sanad iyo bar gudaha Soomaaliya, sida ay xaqiijiyeen Saraakiisha amaanka Soomaaliya. Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan sirdoonka Soomaaliya ayaa u sheegay wakaaladda wararka ee Associated Press (AP )in dhakhaatiirtan la sii daayay dhammaadka usbuucaan ka dib wada-xaajood bilo qaatay oo ay la galeen kooxihii afduubay. Wuu diiday inuu bixiyo faahfaahin dheeri ah. Sarkaalka ayaa…

Barcelona Oo Qoomamo Ka Qabta Inay Lionel Messi Kahor

Sida uu sheegayo Xavier Sala-I-Martin oo ahaa shaqsi hore arrimaha dhaqaalaha ugu qaabilsan kooxda Barcelona, Barca ayaa dhibaato ku mudanaysa inay suuqii xagaagan joojiyeen kabtankooda Lionel Messi oo bixitaan doonayay.Xiddiga heer caalami ee xulka qaranka Argentina ayaa doonayay inuu iskaga tago Camp Nou isaga oo aad uga cadhaysnaa qaabka kooxda loo maamulo walow uu ugu dambayn ku negaaday.Messi ayaa si lama filaan ah madaxda sarre ee Barcelona uga codsaday inay iska fasaxaan wax yar kaddib markii ay natiijada 8-2 ah ee…

Afro-Club, hit on turntables with Oudy 1s, MPR and Stanley Enow – RFI Musique

Here are the musical releases that make the news in Afro-Club, hit on turntables this week with Oudy 1er, Elow'n, Burna Boy & Stormzy, MPR, Stanley Enow, Tekno, finally Töme & Sean Kingston. In Conakry we dance with Oudy 1s, so we do not draw a picture for you: Oudy 1s has just uploaded a clip where we dance. The one now called the President of the Indians is back a few months after his collaboration with the Congolese artist and member of the Extra Musica group, the legendary Roga Roga. The two artists threw the…

Daafaca 20-ka Kooxood Ee Premier League Oo La Qiimeeyay,

Horyaalka Premier League ayaa haysta qaar kamida weeraryahanada ugu wanaagsan guud ahaan dunida kubadda cagta waxaana kamid ah Mo Salah, Sergio Aguero, Pierre Emerick-Aubameyang iyo Harry Kane.Marka laga wada hadlayo weeraryahanada ee laga doodayo inta ay ugu caansan yihiin Ronaldo iyo Messi, waxa si sahlan lagu ilaawaa shaqada daafacyada fududeeya in xiddigaha kooxdoodu ay weerar qaadaan.Haatan iyadoo uu suuqa kala iibsigu xidhnaan doono ilaa bisha January, waa wakhtigii ku haboonaa ee la xusi lahaa afarta daafac ee ugu…

Cuba & Al Shabaab oo kawada xaajoonaya dhaqaatiir afduuban!

Wadahadalo ayaa ugu socda dowladda shuuciga ah ee Cuba iyo Xoogga Al-Shabaab si ay xorriyadooda dib ugu helaan dhakhaatiirtii April, 2019 laga soo qafaashay waqooyi bari Kenya, sidda uu wariyay Bogga afka dheer ee Cibercuba. Bogga ayaa wariyey in wada-wadahadalkaas ay fududeynayaan odayaal dhaqameed kuwaasoo tiradooda aan la qeexin iyo shaqsiyaad kale oo dulaaliin ah kuwaas oo dhinacyada u kala dab-qaadaya. Warbixinta ayaa ku soo aaday maalin kadib markii Wasaarada Arrimaha…

The Guillaume Soro case was sent to the prosecutor for trial

The Guillaume Soro case, in which he is accused of trying to undermine state authority, will be sent to the Attorney General for trial. From our correspondent in Abidjan The former president of the National Assembly in exile in France for nine months is the subject of an arrest warrant for conspiracy and attempted attack on state authority. Prosecutor Richard Adou announced Tuesday, Oct. 6, that the case Guillaume Soro and about 20 of his relatives will be referred to the Attorney General for trial in the criminal…

alarming increase in patients with Rift Valley fever

In Mauritania, about ten people have died in recent days in several regions of the country after consuming meat or milk contaminated by farm animals suffering from burnout. The disease has been raging in the country since 15 September. From our correspondent in Nouakchott, The first cases of gorge in the valley was recorded in Tagant, at central Mauritania. But also in Brakna to the south and in the two Hods near the border with Mali. A total of 24 cases have been reported, but half have resulted in death in humans.…

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