Gary Neville Oo U Sheegay Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Taatikada Uu

Bruno Fernandes iyo Paul Pogba waxay noqon karaan Kevin de Bruyne-ka iyo David Silva-ha Manchester United, sidaasi waxaa yiri Gary Neville.Xiddiga khadka dhexe ee 89ka milyan ginni ku fadhiya Pogba ayaa dhawaan loo dhaadhiciyay kursiga keydka iyadoo tababare Ole Gunnar Solskjaer uu ku guuldareystay inuu labada xiddig ee Pogba iyo Fernandes iska garab ciyaarsiiyo.Halka xiddiga xagaagan 39ka milyan ginni ku soo wareegay Donny van de Beek uu sidoo kale ku guuldareystay inuu kulan Premier League ah ku soo bilowdo.Marka shaxda…

Main Latest Findings About Dairy You Ought to Know

Milk is a polarizing meals nowadays. To drink it or to not drink it? For years, analysis has been printed that helps each side, and this 12 months isn't any exception. In the beginning of the 12 months, Walter Willett, MD, DrPH, a professor of vitamin and epidemiology on the Harvard T.H. Chan College of Public Well being, and David Ludwig, MD, PhD, a professor of pediatrics and vitamin at Harvard launched a evaluate in The New England Journal of Drugs that challenged the necessity for dairy within the eating regimen. At…

The President of the Sovereign Council praises the rapprochement with Israel

In Sudan, the President of the Sovereign Council, the Transitional Body, spoke for the first time on the Israeli issue. On national television, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan praised this rapprochement and the benefits that the country would benefit from it. With our regional correspondent For Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, rapprochement with Israel was necessary and had to happen now. "The economic situation does not allow us to wait another year," said Lieutenant General. The rapprochement with the Hebrew state and the impending…

Weight loss plan Drinks Related With This Main Well being Threat, Examine Says

Because of a brand new examine, we now know a bit of bit extra concerning the influence consuming weight-reduction plan soda has in your well being. Artificially sweetened drinks is probably not a wholesome substitute for sugary drinks. Researchers have linked the consumption of synthetic sugars to an elevated danger of cardiovascular ailments, comparable to coronary heart assault and stroke. "Our examine suggests artificially sweetened drinks is probably not a wholesome substitute for sugar drinks, and these knowledge…

a US citizen kidnapped in Massalata

A US citizen was kidnapped in southern Niger overnight from Monday to Tuesday by six attackers who came on foot. as reported from Niger, Moussa KakaThe kidnapped U.S. citizen had lived for a year in the Massalata fortress, not far from the border with Nigeria. A year ago, Philip Walton had bought a garden and moved there with…

Madax-Xanuunka Dhaawacyada Ee Juventus Oo Sii Socda, Xiddig

Daafaca dhexe ee kooxda Juventus ee Leonardo Bonucci ayaa ah ciyaaryahankii ugu dambeeyay ee qayb ka ah kooxdaas ee shaki la gelinayo fursada uu u haysto inuu ka qayb qaato kulanka adag ee ay habeen dambe la yeelan doonaan dhigooda Barcelona.Daafaca ree Talyaani ayaa ciyaartii ay kooxdiisu toddobaadkan bar-bardhaca 1-1 ah lasoo gashay ee Serie A ka tirsanayd ee ay Verona la yeesheen bedel ku baxay daqiiqadii 75-aad kaddib dhaawac bawdada ah oo gaadhay.Sida lagu sheegay bogga hore ee wargeyska Spain caanka ka ah ee Diario AS,…

Qarax iyo toogasho maanta ka dhacay degnada Kaxda ee gobolka

Qarax loo adeegsaday gaari ayaa wadada isku xirta Muqdisho iyo Afgooye gaar ahaan agagaarka Siinka dheer Waxaa lagula eegtay gudoomiyaha degmada Kaxda iyo saraakiil ka tirsan booliska Soomaaliya. Gudoomiyaha degmada iyo saraakiilsha amaanka ayaa ku baxay gudoomiye waaxeed ka tirsan degmada kaxda iyo haweenay degmada u qaabilsaneed ka hortaga xanuunka Coronavirus oo halkaasi maanta lagu dilay. Ma cada ilaa iyo haatan qasaaraha ka dhashay qaraxaan balse dadka deegaanka ayaa ku…

Stunning Weight Loss Methods That Completely Work, Say Specialists

For generations, we have understood the idea of "the fats gene." Weight problems runs in households, in spite of everything, and if Mother and Dad are each heavy, there's little you are able to do about it. However rising science says that is not so. Actually, what we're studying now's that weight achieve is prompted not by genetics however by epigenetics—mainly, the science of how genes are turned on and off by completely different environmental elements,…

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