Telefishanka beIN Sports Oo Shaaciyey Wariyeyaasha Tabin

Telefishanka beIN Sports ayaa shaaciyey wariyeyaasha ku qoran baahinta kulamada Champions League ee toddobaadkan, waxaana dhamaan diyaar ah tacliiqiyiinta ruug-caddaaga ah ee codkooda la xiiseeyo.Telefishanka beIN Sports ayaa si toos ah u baahin doona ciyaaraha Champions League ee Salaasada iyo Arbacada oo ay ballansan yihiin kooxo waaweyn.Manchester United oo ku sugan magaalada Paris ayay foodda is darayaan PSG, sidoo kale, Chelsea ayaa qaabilaysa Sevilla, halka Barcelona ay tijaabo fudud ku gelayso garoonkeeda oo ay…

France has not yet delivered all its archives to the Sankara trial

Thirty-three years after the assassination of former Burkinabé president Thomas Sankara, the case was referred to the control chamber of the Ouagadougou Military Tribunal, which according to authorities gives hope for a trial in 2021. lawyers for the deceased's family broke the news last Thursday. But France has not delivered all its archives, hence the impatience, expressed in a press release from the international network "Justice for Sankara, justice for Africa". In 2017, during a visit to Burkina Faso, French…

10-ka Cishe ee loo qabtay magacaabista Guddiga Farsamo ee

Bilawgii bishaan waxaa la jadwaleeyay habraaca doorashada 20/21 oo fure u ah dhismaha Guddiga farsamo & xalinta khilaafaadka oo min labo xubnood laga sugayo Dowladda Federaalka & Dowlad Goboleedyada. Go’aankaas ayaa u muuqda ku dhaqaaqistiisa in uusan kasoo gudbin oo uu soo dhaafin miiskii wada-xaajoodka, maadaama 20-cishe oo laga joogo waqtigii la saxiixay & tobankii u gaarka ahaa laga soo gudbay, isla markaana aysan jirin howl muuqata oo dhankaas ka socota.…

The circumstances for a good election usually are not met in Côte d’Ivoire (opposition)

The ECOWAS delegation, which met with Ivorian political actors, referred to as on the federal government and the opposition to "make a big effort" in order that the presidential election on 31 October takes place in a peaceable method. Clashes have left a number of useless in latest days. The stream stays rigid by suspending the vote. The opposition implements a method of civil disobedience. What's the logic of the 2 camps? To attempt to perceive that, our visitor this morning is Ivorian political analyst Sylvain…

Chelsea vs Sevilla – Blues Oo Qaabilaysa Khabiirradii Yurub,

Stamford Bridge ayaa martigelinaya kulanka xiisaha badan ee caawa ay Chelsea kusoo dhoweyn doonto kooxda haysata koobka Europa League ee Sevilla oo ay ku wada jiraan Hormada H ee tartanka Champions Leagueb.Labada kooxood ayaa fursad weyn u haysta inay kasoo gudbaan Groupkan oo ay kula jiraan labada naadi Krasnodar iyo Rennes, waxaana marka ay caawa caasimadda Ingiriiska ee London isku haleelaan Chelsea iyo Sevilla durba la ogaan doonaa natiijada iyo bandhigga kooxda u qalanta inay kaalinta koowaad kaga soo baxdo…

protesters call for the resignation of President Buhari

Anger at police violence remains strong in Nigeria, and despite the repression of the anti-crime group, middle-aged and upper-class youth in the largest cities in the south of the country refuse to line up. The protests continue and the marchers' slogans are now openly directed at Nigerian political elites. with our…

RW Rooble oo 11-kamid ah 27-ka Wasiir ka dhigay xubnihii

Raysul wasaaraha XFS Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ayaa xalay ku dhawaaqay Golihiisa Wasiirada oo ka kooban 27-Wasiir, waxaana kasoo muuqday in badan oo kamid ahaa Xukuumaddii Xasan Cali Khayre. Intooda badan toos ayay usoo laabteen, halka Khadiijo Maxamed Diiriye oo ahayd Wasiirkii dhalinyarada & Cayaaraha Xukuumaddii Khayre la geeyay Wasaaradda Gargaarka, waxaana booskaas laga soo badalay Xamsa Siciid Xamsa oo loo magacaabay Wasaaradii Khadiijo heysay. Magacyada Wasiirada sida…

in Mikenge, communities accuse each other of supporting armed groups

In the highlands of Minembwe, there are thousands of displaced refugees near the UN mission in Congo and without international assistance. There are almost 3,000 in Mikenge, mostly Banyamulenge, and they say they have suffered many attacks. With our special correspondent in Mikenge, Sonia RolleyIn Mikenge, the displaced say…

Sudan set to depart the US blacklist

Negotiations on the withdrawal of Sudan from the US checklist of states that help terrorism proceed. A significant retreat for the nation's financial system, however one vote suggests a fast and optimistic end result: Donald Trumps. On Twitter, the US president assured on Monday night, October 19, of an impending settlement.…

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