young doctors worried about the deteriorating health situation

The country, which on October 18 had 626 deaths and 40,542 cases, saw its hospitals nearly saturated, and young doctors were often at the forefront of emergencies. as reported from Tunis Lilia blaiseOne Sunday morning near the emergency department of Rabta Hospital in Tunis, a young doctor who wishes to remain anonymous is…

suspension of roadside checks in the central region

In Burkina Faso, facing harassment and dismissal, national police are suspending roadside checks in Ouagadougou municipality until December 15. According to the Central Region Police Director, this is to better "reorganize" the administrative control and avoid certain abuses. as reported from Ouagadougou, Yaya BoudaniThis…

A ministerial mission from ECOWAS in Côte d’Ivoire to attempt mediation

A ministerial mission from ECOWAS arrived in Côte d'Ivoire to fulfill the assorted political actors. The opposition not acknowledged the legitimacy of the establishments chargeable for the group and validation of the elections scheduled for 31 October and demanded the withdrawal of the candidacy of outgoing President Alassane Ouattara for a 3rd time period. Will this worldwide mediation give the…

Adama Traore Oo U Deyriyay Liverpool & Barcelona, Paulo

Aroornimo wanaagsan akhristayaasheena sharafta leh meel kasta oo aad dunida ka joogtaan, shabakada laacib waxay saaka idiin soo gudbineysaa wararkii ugu waa weynaa ee saaka lagu qoray wargeysyada ka soo baxa dalka Ingariiska kuwaasoo ugu magaca weyn.Xuquuqda wararkaan waxaa iska leh wargeysyada uu magacooda ku hor qoran yahay.Madaxa Borussia Dortmund ayaa rajo cusub ku abuuray kooxda Manchester United oo muddo dheer dooneysay xiddiga garabka ka ciyaara ee Ingariiska Jadon Sancho oo 20 sanno jir ah ka dib markii uu sheegay in…

[Série] Côte d’Ivoire, the world chief in cashew nut manufacturing, is embarking on processing

Lower than 15 days earlier than the primary spherical of the Ivory Coast presidential election, this week RFI is providing you a sequence of 5 studies from Africa and the economic system. First half on Monday: The best way to make Ivorian cashew extra aggressive and, particularly, to overcome the British and European markets? That was the topic of a debate that befell on Friday 16 October in Abidjan.…

Ivory Coast: the problem of Gbagbo’s return stays a delicate challenge in Gagnoa

In Ivory Coast, in Gagnoa, the hometown of Laurent Gbagbo, the query of returning to the previous Ivorian president swallows the political debate. Some are ready for him as a messiah, others hope to not hear extra about this thorny topic. The authorities' refusal to provide him a passport to permit him to return to the Ivory Coast, in addition to the tensions earlier than the election, arouses anger and…

PSG vs Man United & Kulamada Xiisaha Leh Ee Champions League

Xilli ciyaareedka cusub ee koobka Champions League ayaa bilaabanaya habeen Talaadada ee 20ka bisha Oktoobar iyadoo Talaadada iyo Arbacada la dheeli doono kulamo xiiso leh.Habeenka Talaadada waxaa ciyaaraya Group-yada E ilaa iyo H halka habeenka Arbacada ay dheeli doonaan Group-yada A ilaa iyo D.Macalinka Juventus Andrea Pirlo ayaa habeenka Talaadada waxa uu ka horimaan doonaa macalinkiisii hore ee safay kulankiisii ugu horeysay isagoo 16 sanno jir ah Mircea Lucescu kaasoo hogaaminaya kooxda Dynamo Kyiv.25 sanno ka dib, wuxuu…

Arsene Wenger Oo Ka Soo Jawaabay Aflagaadadii Iyo

Arsène Wenger ayaa jawaab ka bixiyay weerarkii uu kala kulmay Jose Mourinho kaasoo wax laga weydiiyay sababta uu uga soo muuqan waayay buuga Wenger.Isagoo u hadlayay Canal Football Club, Arsene Wenger ayaa la weydiiyay inuu ka jawaabo ixtiraamdaradii iyo aflagaagadii uu kala kulmay Mourinho.Tababaraha reer Portugal ayaa maalin ka hor sheegay in sababta aan loogu xusin buuga Arsene Wenger inay tahay in Wenger uusan waligiis isaga ka badinin. Tababaraha reer Portugal ayaana mar kale ku tilmaamay macalinka Faransiiska nin ku…

Shan Daafac Oo Ay Liverpool Ku Bedeli Karto Virgil van Dijk

Xilli ciyaareedka Liverpool ayaa halis ku jira ka dib markii daafacoodii adkaa uu dhaawac halis ah soo gaaray isagoo dagaal ugu jira inuu ciyaaro inta uusan dhaaminin xilli ciyaareedkan.Daafaca reer Holland ayaa qaliin looga sameynayaa jilibka oo dhaawac halis ah uu ka soo gaaray kulankii shalay ee Merseydise Derby.Inkastoo aan waqti loo qabanin mudada uu ku soo laabanayo Van Dijk hadana Liverpool waxay waayi doontaa xiddigeeda bilooyin.Waxayna arintaan imaaneysaa xilli xagaagan uu Jurgen Klopp soo iibsan waaye daafac dhexe…

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