native elections postponed once more

In Senegal, local elections have been postponed again. This was registered in the Council of Ministers on Wednesday 25 March. The municipalities and departments should in principle be held before 28 March. This is the third launch and no new date has been set. as reported from Dakar, Charlotte idracIt was expected, so it's…

GO’AAN: Real Madrid Oo Go’aan Cad Ka Qaadatay

Kabtanka xulka qaranka Norway ee Martin Odegaard ayaa kamid ah xiddigaha muddooyinkan ugu dambeeyay inta ugu badan laga hadlayay mustaqbalkooda waxaana haatan warkale kasoo baxay halka uu ku dambaynayo xilli ciyaareedka. Martin ayaa ahaa mid amaan badan loogu qubeeyay tan iyo markii uu Arsenal u wareegay iyadoo bandhigiisii kulankii ugu dambeeyay ee ay bar-bardhaca 3-3 ah lasoo galeen West Ham United uu ahaa mid cajiib ah. Laakiin sida uu hadda sheegayo wargeyska Marca, rajadii Arsenal ee ahayd inay xilli ciyaareedka…

Man arrested after boarding on empty Mauritania aircraft

Authorities have arrested a man after he boarded an empty Mauritania Airlines plane that was on the tarmac at Nouakchott International Airport and threatened to set it on fire, the government agency reported on Thursday. There were no passengers on board at the time of the incident and it was not immediately clear how the man managed to break into airport security, according to an airport official who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to…

Madagascar: loss of life of the well-known violinist Sammy Rabenirainy from

Madagascar loses a great artist and a radio pioneer. Wednesday morning in Antananarivo, Sammy Rabenirainy died in hospital as a result of Covid-19. He was 66 years old. Violinist, lyricist, he was one of the leading figures in the mythical group "Lôlô sy ny tariny". During the day, testimonies of sympathy flowed online. Big brother Sammy Rabenirainy is gone. And with that, a large part of DNA: ti Lôlô sew new tariny. This Tananarivian group, the forerunner of popular and protest texts, had emerged in the mid-1970s in the…

The UN says 15 assist staff have been killed in Somalia in 2020

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The UN humanitarian agency said on Wednesday attacks on aid workers providing humanitarian supplies in Somalia resulted in the deaths of 15 aid workers by 2020. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said 12 workers were injured, 24 abducted and 14 arrested in 2020, with 56 incidents involving aid workers reported. "In a single tragic incident, seven health workers were abducted and subsequently murdered. Several cases of confiscation of humanitarian supplies,…

Bayern Munich Oo Qarka U Saaran Saxeexa Mid Kamida

Sida ay sheegayaan warar kasoo baxaya dalka Spain, Bayern Munich ayaa aad ugu dhaw saxeexa xiddiga Real Madrid ee Lucas Vazquez oo kamid ah xiddigaha uu tababare Zinadine Zidane aadka u jecel yahay. 29 sano jirka ree Spain oo xilli ciyaareedkan 31 kulan usoo ciyaaray Real Madrid tartamada oo dhan ayuu heshiiskiisasi kooxdaasi yahay mid dhacaya xagaaga oo si bilaash ah lagu heli karo. Xiddigan boosaska badan ka ciyaari kara ee dhinacyada badan ka caawiya tababare Zidane ayaan wali heshiis cusub kooxda la gaadhin walow…

The WSL TV business changes when you grow up as a girl who likes football

The first female football team I ever saw on TV was the Hounslow Harriers. Coached by a man who is cruelly overlooked in the 90mins list of greatest Irish bosses ever, they won silver, played abroad and boasted of a terrible strike partnership that aroused interest from the United States, largely because they could break down even the mighty Chiswick. As we all know, the very best elite football teams always include alliteration. The Hounslow Harriers were pioneers. So why, when they remember great women's soccer teams…

European diplomats go to Libya to help unity

The foreign ministers of France, Germany and Italy were in Tripoli to meet their Libyan counterpart on Thursday in a demonstration in support of the war-torn country's newly formed unity government. The joint visit of French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, Germany's Heiko Maas and Italy's Luigi Di Maio comes ten days after the formation of an interim government to lead Libya to the December elections. Oil-rich Libya sank into chaos after dictator Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown and killed in a 2011 NATO uprising,…

Ethiopian Fee on Human Rights

The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission is also investigating crimes and atrocities committed in the province of Tigray. After months of silence, she admits in a report that more than 100 people were massacred in the city of Aksum, which validated the investigations from other organizations such as Amnesty International. The late announcement of the Ethiopian report on human rights in the middle of the night is not due to chance; the time was calculated only hours later Abiy Ahmed's long speech. The prime minister…

“Sideed U Aragtaa Kulamada Liverpool Iyo

Waxa laga joogaa mudo bil ah tan iyo markii uu da’yarka Real Madrid ee Rodrygo Goes kasoo laabtay dhaawac halis ah oo uu mudo ku maqnaa, haatan oo la gelayo qaybtii ugu muhiimsanayd xilli ciyaareedka ayuu xiddiga ree Brazil sheegay sida ay kooxdiisu u doonayso inay si fiican u ciyaarto oo ay guuleysato. Real Madrid ayaa marka laga soo laabto kulamada caalamiga ah ugu horreynba la ciyaaraysa Eibar kahor inta aysan tijaabo rasmi ah ku marin kulamo ay kahor tagayso Liverpool oo Champions League ah iyo mid muhiim u ah…

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