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Healthy Eating

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Why You Should Be Eating Eggs Right Now

When you need a boost of protein but don't feel like eating a piece of chicken, what do you usually reach for? A protein bar? Nut butter? Maybe a smoothie? While these are sufficient ways to get protein into your diet, one of the best (and cleanest) ways to get a protein boost is from eating eggs. Did you know that a large egg has 5 grams of protein in it? If you eat two hard-boiled eggs as an afternoon snack, that's 10 whole grams of protein in one go. Beyond the boost in protein, eggs can actually do a lot for your body.…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Raw Fish, Say Experts

If you're a fan of foods like sushi, sashimi, and ceviche, you're well-acquainted with the idea of consuming raw fish. And while it's perfectly fine to eat those delicacies in moderation, there are side effects associated with ingesting raw foods of any kind, especially fish. One of the biggest risks associated with eating raw fish is contracting a foodborne illness, which can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, among other symptoms. Major types of food poisoning that can result from eating raw or…

The 30 Worst Cookie Mistakes You’re Making

The aroma of fresh-baked cookies is enough to make your mouth water, so it's a major bummer when you pull the baking sheet out of the oven to discover that your chocolate chip cookies are as flat as Frisbees or that those oatmeal raisin cookies are burnt to a crisp. And why do your sugar cookies keep losing their shape in the oven? Fear not: We're here to help you fix all of your cookie baking mistakes. Baking, as you know, isn't just a culinary art form; there's a lot of chemistry involved, too. To up your cookie-baking…

30 Healthy Foods You Better Eat in Moderation

It's totally possible to have too much of a good thing, and that goes for just about everything. Including oatmeal. Random, we know. But yes, we said oatmeal! Sure, oats are a super healthy carb, but they're also extremely calorie-dense, just like cake and truffle fries. And it's not just oatmeal that should be added to your "everything in moderation" list. We've tracked down other wholesome foods—that are packed with both good for you nutrients and calories (or other problematic components). The danger is in the dose, so…

Popular Drinks That May Cause Lasting Damage to Your Skin, Says

You may be a sunscreen devotee, shell out big bucks for the latest skincare products, and adhere to a strict regimen of facials, but without the right diet, your skin may still suffer. However, it's not just what you're eating that could be causing your complexion complaints—there are numerous drinks you're likely downing on a daily basis that could be wreaking havoc on your skin. Read on to discover which drinks you should cut from your diet now if you want to get glowing. And if you want to get healthier from the inside…

Downsides of Eating a Banana Every Day, Say Experts

Bananas are the perfect food in so many ways. They make the perfect grab-and-go snack, cereal topper, smoothie base, and of course, a staple "bread" ingredient. Not only are they sweet and satisfying, but they are loaded with nutrients. (See: 17 Amazing Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat Bananas.) "As a nutritionist, we love to recommend bananas for all the powerful benefits they provide. Bananas are fat-free, cholesterol-free, and packed with complex carbohydrates and vitamin B6, which helps to keep you…

The One Thing Everyone’s Adding to Their Water Right Now, Say

There's a new health obsession taking over your Instagram and/or TikTok feed. It may look kind of gross, but people are buzzing about its body benefits… Introducing: Drinking water that's been doused with chlorophyll drops. Chlorophyll, if you remember from your high school science class days, is the pigment in plants that makes them green and helps them turn the sun's rays into energy via photosynthesis. Turns out, chlorophyll also has tons of health benefits for humans, which is why it's joining collagen, mushroom powders,…

5 Mistakes That Make Tea Unhealthy

Tea really is a healthy drink to have. In fact, there are numerous health benefits of drinking black tea and even green tea on a regular basis. From weight loss to an antioxidant boost, your cup of tea can do wonders for your body. However, while drinking tea by itself is healthy if you're not careful about what you're putting in, your cup can become unhealthy pretty easily. This is why we put together a list of mistakes that make tea unhealthy, so you can avoid turning your afternoon tea into a calorie bomb. Here are the…

Popular Foods That May Cause Lasting Damage to Your Liver,

Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body, however, your diet choices could be harming it, and you may not even realize it. According to the American Liver Foundation, it's estimated that about 25% of adults in the U.S. have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This common chronic liver condition occurs when excess fat is stored inside your liver's cells, primarily caused by routine unhealthy food choices. When fat accumulates in the liver from alcohol, the condition is referred to as alcoholic fatty…

The #1 Reason Why You Shouldn’t Eat Salmon, According to Science

Salmon is one of the most popular types of seafood in the U.S., with the average American eating 2.55 pounds of the fish each year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It's not hard to see why this fish is so popular, either—in addition to having a light flavor that complements countless vegetables, starches, sauces, and even wine pairings, wild-caught salmon is low in calories and packed with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. However, not every variety of this staple seafood is as healthy…

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