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Healthy Eating

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Secret Ingredients Lurking in Your Bowl of Oatmeal

Enjoying a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is a great way to start your morning and can provide a host of health benefits, from lower cholesterol to more regular bowel movements. However, not all oatmeal varieties are healthy. In fact, some instant oatmeals should be avoided altogether. When you look at the nutrition label and ingredients list on the back of a box of instant oatmeals, we want you to know which ingredients you should steer clear of as well as which ingredients are fine to consume. Below, we call out four…

The Healthiest Foods You Should Be Eating Every Day, According to

That old adage "you are what you eat" is true: more than supplements or trendy powders, food should always be your go-to for improved health and well-being. In fact, the right diet can be akin to preventative medicine, reducing general inflammation, improving immunity, balancing blood sugar, stabilizing mental health, and more. So what are the foods you should eat every day? If we're being honest here, it can be a bit overwhelming to figure out exactly which foods are the best of the best you should be eating daily. We…

Ways Eating Bananas Backfires, Say Experts

Bananas are the most popular fruit in the United States., with U.S. residents consuming an average of 13.9 pounds of bananas per year, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). While bananas may be a tasty and inexpensive way to fill up, there are some surprising negative side effects to eating bananas, as well. From your energy levels to your organ health, read on to discover the ways in which eating bananas can backfire. And if you want to make over your diet, start with The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat…

17 Serious Side Effects of Eating Fast Food

Fast food. It's cheap, convenient, and predatorily marketed to us when we're young in the hope that we'll be consumers for life. For many companies, that strategy has paid off: more than 1 in 3 American adults consume fast food on a given day, according to the CDC. But there's a wrinkle in that math. If we eat too much of this stuff, that frequent consumer's lifespan could be a lot shorter than if he'd eaten more food unassociated with clowns, colonels, kings, and freckle-faced girls with red pigtails. Studies have found…

4 Biggest Food Studies About Diabetes You Should Know

Diabetes affects more than 10% of the entire U.S. population, and 90-95% of these individuals have type 2 diabetes which, unlike type 1 diabetes, is largely preventable. Someone develops type 2 diabetes when the cells in their body become insulin resistant. Insulin is a hormone that's produced by the pancreas and allows cells to use blood sugar for energy. But when cells no longer respond properly to the hormone, your pancreas goes into overdrive to make more until, eventually, it can no longer keep up. As a result, your…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Sweet Potatoes, Says Science

There's no denying that sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Sweet potatoes are full of all kinds of nutrients that are incredible for your body—like fiber and even protein. However, out of all of the different macro and micronutrients in sweet potatoes, there's one nutrient in particular that gives you quite the health boost when eating sweet potatoes, and that's vitamin A. Here's why you should pay attention to this number one side effect of eating sweet potatoes and vitamin A, and for even more…

"Bachelorette" Star Andi Dorfman Reveals Exact Workout

Bachelorette star Andi Dorfman says the challenges she's faced during the COVID-19 pandemic have helped her focus on her mental and physical health, which has led to a total health transformation for the reality star. In a new bikini photo, Dorfman reveals how she's gotten in the best shape of her life without deprivation by focusing on her physical and emotional well-being; read on to find out just how she did it. And for more on how your favorite celebs get healthier, check out Nicole Scherzinger Shares Her Exact Diet and…

The One Detox Myth You Need To Stop Believing, Says Dietitian

Today's current diet culture has the world believing that if you eat or drink a certain way, you need to "detox" your body from all of those unhealthy foods. Whether it's after a weekend of indulging or an entire winter season of comfort foods, the idea of cleansing your body and starting fresh may sound like something refreshing to endure—and companies have certainly capitalized on it. Detox teas, juice cleanses, and many other expensive health products are on the shelf promoting a healthier, happier body with just a few…

This Is Why You Should Never Drink Water Before Bed

Water is one of the most critical elements to the human body. When you don't sip enough H2O, your body becomes dehydrated and it could make you look puffier. That's because your body attempts to hold onto every last drop of water it can when you're dehydrated, which can make you look like you've put on extra weight. No one likes the sound of that when you're trying to lose 10 pounds! But, here's the thing: there is a right and wrong time to quench your thirst. And drinking water before bed may not be the best time to guzzle.…

Surprising Side Effects of Not Drinking Alcohol, Say Experts

Despite being a popular social pastime, with nearly 70% of the American population enjoying alcohol on an annual basis, drinking alcohol is the leading risk factor for premature illness and contributes to 3 million deaths each year, according to the World Health Organization. So, what happens if you give it up? While speaking with experts, we discovered some of the most surprising side effects of not drinking alcohol. And for more healthy diet advice, check out The Worst Foods You Should Never Have in Your Home.…

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