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Healthy Eating

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Popular Foods That Are Aging You Faster, Say Dietitians

Short of finding the fountain of youth, there's no way to sidestep the aging process entirely. However, many people don't realize that their daily habits could be inadvertently speeding up the process—and we're not just talking about excessive sun exposure. In fact, your diet also plays a role in keeping you looking young or making you look older, and many of the foods you're eating on a regular basis could be aging you faster, according to experts. Read on to discover which foods could be speeding up the clock without you…

One Major Side Effect of Drinking Too Much Caffeine, New Study

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Vitamin D has been upheld as one of the most powerful supplements you can add to your diet to help protect you from contracting the virus. Meanwhile, also since the start of the pandemic, our collective love of coffee has never been stronger. Unfortunately, a study that's just come out has found why increased intakes of caffeine and Vitamin D might not be so beneficial for you. Here's the science. Fang Yang and Ning Wang, two obstetrics and gynecology researchers in China, recently…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Pickles, Say Experts

To the uneducated eye, pickles seem like a healthy food. What could be so detrimental about a cucumber soaked in vinegar, right? While it's true that the sandwich-side staple is not as unhealthy as alternatives—like, say, a handful of potato chips—pickles do pack a slightly concerning punch. The culprit here, ultimately, is the salt content. According to nutritionist Jay Cowin, one pickle contains more than 66% of sodium adults are recommended to have each day. As anyone who's cracked open a pickle jar recently knows, it is…

The #1 Best Thing to Eat for Better Sleep, Says a Dietitian

It's time to put to bed the age-old myth about it being bad to eat late at night. As long as you're eating healthy bedtime snacks, having a bite in the night won't make you gain weight; in fact, eating the right foods before sleep can actually help promote better and more restful sleep! And there's one snack, in particular, that is worth adding to your nighttime rotation to stop counting sheep: kiwi fruit. "While tried-and-true bedtime snacks like a warm and soothing mug of milk can help people unwind and get some restful…

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Caffeine

The Internet can be full of a lot of misinformation—especially in regards to health, nutrition, and wellness. One of the biggest misconceptions out there is that drinking caffeine is bad for you—but that's actually not true! There are studies that actually show that caffeine can benefit your body in multiple ways. As long as you stay within the proper recommended limits of caffeine in a day, your body will see benefits that you may not have even known about. Here's exactly what happens to your body when you drink caffeine…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Frozen Pizza, According to

Dinner doesn't get much easier than ordering delivery from the local pizza shop unless you have a frozen pie in the freezer ready to pop into your oven. Then, you're golden. Just sit back, crack open a beer, and wait for your piping hot "heart attack on a plate." Wait, what? It's just a pizza! Yes, and eating frozen pizza probably isn't going to trigger a heart attack today. But if you dissect the typical packaged pizza from your supermarket and examine the ingredients, you'll find that frozen pizzas deliver the perfect…

Vitamin D Supplements May Not Protect You From This, New Study

Without a doubt, the most talked-about vitamin of last year was vitamin D. However, new research is now suggesting that the supplement may not be as effective at reducing someone's risk of contracting COVID-19 as previously thought. At the start of the pandemic, you may recall experts pushed the use of vitamin D. This was because several observational studies showed that populations who were deficient in vitamin D were also at higher risk of experiencing adverse symptoms from COVID-19. However, a recent genetic study,…

One Major Side Effect of Drinking Alcohol If You’re Overweight,

Alcohol is an undeniably mixed bag when it comes to your health. While the occasional glass of red wine may have a protective effect on your cardiovascular health, alcohol consumption has also been linked to increased risk of certain ailments, from esophageal cancer to cirrhosis of the liver. For individuals who are overweight or obese, however, drinking alcohol may pose a particular health threat, according to a new study. A May 2021 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that, in examining data…

Surprising Effects of Taking Vitamin B Supplements, Says Science

Although B vitamins are found in many foods, there are a few groups of people who could benefit from taking additional vitamin B supplements. This includes older adults, those who have celiac disease, and even those who follow a vegan diet. There are eight different kinds of B vitamins: B1—Thiamine B2—Riboflavin B3—Niacin B5—Pantothenic Acid B6—Pyridoxine B7—Biotin B9—Folate (also known as folic acid) B12—Cobalamin If you suspect that you're deficient in one of the B vitamins, it's likely that you've experienced a few…

The Worst Drinks on the Planet

Soda has been named public enemy No. 1 when it comes to an easy change you can immediately make in hopes to lose weight and shed belly fat. So it's only logical to assume if we all stay away from Coca-Cola, Sprite, and Dr Pepper, the pounds will melt away. However, there's one big problem: Very few people are swapping soda for plain ol' H2O. Instead, they're looking to other beverages like juices and flavored waters to fill the void. And while many of these soda alternatives market themselves as the "healthier choice,"…

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