Somali Prime Minister Engages in South Korea-Africa Summit to Boost Investment and Enhance Security

Seoul (AX) – Somali Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre, along with his posse, popped over to the South Korea-Africa summit in Seoul, which kicked off on Tuesday.

With folks from 48 African nations, the summit delves into heavy hitters like climate issues, grub shortages, and health woes.

President Yoon Suk Yeol rolled out the red carpet with a jaw-dropping pledge of billions in fresh aid and investments for Africa, aiming to crank up trade connections.

This afternoon, Prime Minister Barre will hit the stage to chat up investment possibilities in Somalia. He’ll talk shop on security, the economy, and social vibes.

During his Seoul stint, he’ll have one-on-ones with various leaders at the get-together to mull over Somalia’s state of affairs.

Tanzania and Ethiopia spilled the beans about locking in deals with South Korea, securing loans worth billions. These deals are sweetening South Korea’s access to Africa’s precious minerals and massive market.

Tanzania revealed plans to snag $2.5 billion in concessional loans over five years from South Korea. At the same time, Ethiopia—a booming nation of 126 million souls—shook hands on a $1 billion financing pact over four years, eyeing infrastructure, science, health, and urban growth, per the Fana media outlet.

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