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Somali Prime Minister Engages in South Korea-Africa Summit to Boost Investment and Enhance Security

Seoul (AX) - Somali Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre, along with his posse, popped over to the South Korea-Africa summit in Seoul, which kicked off on Tuesday. With folks from 48 African nations, the summit delves into heavy hitters like climate issues, grub shortages, and health woes. President Yoon Suk Yeol rolled out the red carpet with a jaw-dropping pledge of billions in fresh aid and investments for Africa, aiming to crank up trade connections. This afternoon, Prime Minister Barre will hit the stage to chat up…

Khatumo Leader Takes Part in High-Powered Summit in Mogadishu

In Mogadishu, Abdikhadir Ahmed Aw-Ali Firdhiye from SSC-Khatumo attended the National Consultative Council summit. The council, made up of federal and regional leaders, heard from Firdhiye about the situation in SSC-Khatumo areas and stressed the importance of SSC gaining constitutional rights within the Federal Government of Somalia. They commended the SSC-Khatumo administration for its work in maintaining the unity and independence of Somalia. During the summit, leaders discussed various topics such as politics, security,…

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