President Hassan Celebrates Somalis on Their 64th Independence Day Anniversary

Prime Minister Barre resonated with the President, underscoring the necessity of national unity and resilience.

“I salute all of Somalia on June 26, commemorating 64 years since the Northern Regions broke free from British colonial chains and our flag soared over liberated Somali land.”

June 26, 1960, stands as a landmark in Somali chronicles, marking British North Western of Somalia’s independence. This milestone paved the way for British North Western of Somalia to merge with the Trust Territory of Somalia (previously Italian North Western of Somalia) on July 1, 1960, birthing the Somali Republic. This union was a crucial stride toward the dream of Greater Somalia—unifying all Somali domains under one banner.

Mogadishu and other Somali regions buzzed with anniversary festivities, featuring cultural showcases, parades, and soul-searching reflections on the nation’s journey post-independence.

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