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Globally, the Hottest Day on Record Occurred on July 21

Record-breaking Heat: An Unprecedented Global Scorch Sunday, 21st July marked the most blistering day ever documented globally, according to preliminary figures from the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service. The global mean surface air temperature on that fateful Sunday hit 17.09 degrees Celsius (62.76°F). This temperature slightly surpassed the former record from last July, which stood at 17.08 degrees Celsius (62.74°F). Sprawling heatwaves have seared vast regions of the United States, Europe, and…

Croatian City to Observe Day of Mourning Following Shooting Incident

Day of Mourning Declared in Daruvar Following Tragic Nursing Home Shooting The eastern Croatian town of Daruvar is set to observe a day of mourning tomorrow, officials have announced. This comes in the wake of a tragic mass shooting at a local nursing home that claimed six lives, leaving the nation in a state of shock. Yesterday morning, a gunman entered the private nursing facility and opened fire, killing five residents and one staff member. Among the victims was the shooter’s own mother. Such violent incidents are…

Lamuka calls for a day of action (09/15) against

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, following the civic movements, the opposition is taking on the active challenge of the law governing the Independent National Electoral Commission (Ceni) and warning of any attempt to organize fraud or deport votes in 2023. Lamuka calls for a day of action on 15 September. The tandem of the…

Take Lou and the football players, hard day for the coast

This Saturday, July 31, it was difficult for Ivory Coast with Marie-Josée Ta Lou's fourth place in the 100 meters and elimination of football players in the quarterfinals. The only good news for the Ivorians: the qualification of Arthur Cissé for the semifinals of the 100 meters. The second clarification came from the Angolan handball players who are relaunching before the quarter-finals.…

bad day for the Democratic Republic of Congo, hope

Congolese fighters were expected this Thursday, July 29, but David Tshama Mwenekabwe in boxing and Marie Branser in judo did not manage to win to continue their tournament. South African swimmers and hockey players lit up the dull day for African athletes. BOXINGA day without African boxing. After passing the preliminary round…

In Morocco, the 100th day of the hunger strike for

In Morocco, journalist Soulaïmane Raissouni continues, imprisoned since May 25, 2020 and sentenced last week to five years in prison for sexual assault, hunger. His health is deteriorating. For 100 days he has stopped eating. Soulaïmane Raissouni's relatives and lawyersare very worried. "Today we are afraid for our lives.…

EDITORIAL: On Independence Day Somalia ought to aspire to a rebirth

EDITORIAL: On Independence Day Somalia should aspire to a rebirth EDITORIAL | Somalia turns 61 on Thursday and it's no wonder its people from all walks of life are celebrating. July 1 has always been Somalia's most memorable day, as it laid the groundwork for what should be Somalia today. On that day, when members of the Trust Territory of Somalia, originally known as Italian Somaliland, and…

The day after Laurent Gbagbo’s return to Côte

Laurent Gbagbo returned to Côte d'Ivoire on Thursday 17 June after a ten-year absence. A historic day, but also chaotic marked by clashes between young supporters and the police. And if the unrest lasted until late in the evening, the situation recovered on Friday. From our special correspondent in Abidjan,No more traces of…

“They carry heavy luggage ten hours a day”

Saturday 12 June is World Day Against Child Labor, a day organized under the auspices of the UN. Three days ago, Unicef ​​and the International Labor Organization pointed out in a report the increase in the number of children forced to work in the world due to the effects of the pandemic. Children's rights NGOs warn of the physical, health and economic consequences of these forms of exploitation for minors. The majority of them are between 5 and 11 years old. According toa report published by Unicef ​​and the…

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