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East Africa

East Africa | Axadle | Somali English News Source, That, you can depend on. From, the expert view you can trust.

AU forces use ‘over the top pressure’ in firing

BELEDWEYNE, Somalia - Somalia witnessed scenes of violence and chaos as protests against the government continued into the third week with several eyewitness accounts of AU forces opening fire on protesters. Violent clashes have erupted in the streets of Hiran's regional capital, Beledweyne, between Somali forces and protesters calling for the release of dozens arrested during massive security operations. At least three people were injured, including a woman, according to hospital sources. The protesters accused…

KDF kills militant Al-Shabaab in Kenya Wooded area

NAIROBI, Kenya - Special Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) soldiers stormed the Al-Shabaab camp in Boni Forest on Sunday in a stinging operation that saw them kill more militants and destroy their hideout. High-ranking security sources confirmed the incident to Nation and shared photos and videos of the operation's demand. The number of terrorists killed was not immediately clear, but the nation counted up to four bodies from the photos our sources shared. During the operation, the soldiers recovered a variety of…

Tensions proceed to construct alongside the border between Kenya and Somalia in Gedo

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Tensions have continued to build at the Kenya-Somalia border near the fragile Gedo region following a diplomatic spit between the two countries, which was constructed by Jubaland's decision to refuse to hold national elections until the Somali National Army soldiers have been completely withdrawn, Voice of America reports despite ceasefire calls. The Somali federal government has already sent troops to the border town of Beled-Hawo, while forces from Somalia's Jubaland region, which has good…

in Uganda disrupted the election marketing campaign of the pandemic

In Uganda, less than a month before the January 14 presidential election, the Electoral Commission announced this Saturday, December 26, the suspension of political meetings in several districts of the country, including the capital Kampala. A decision justified by the authorities' desire to avoid the spread of Covid-19, while the epidemic is accelerating in the country, which has more than 35,000 cases…

Somali parliamentary leadership in Northeastern State in the middle of stalemate ahead of the election

Northeastern State - Somalia's National Assembly leadership arrived in Garowe, the capital of the state of Northeastern State, amid an ongoing pre-election interruption that has caused delays in the forthcoming polls scheduled for December at the end of the year. The country was set to hold elections, but despite stakeholders signing an agreement, they are now involved in a spit over the composition of the nomination committee, which after all has been elected by President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who is eager for…

Farmajo is underneath rigidity to ask for forgiveness for “using” NISA to prevent protests

Farmajo is under pressure to apologize for "using" NISA to stop protests MOGADISHU, Somalia - The federal government of Somalia has been accused of using agents affiliated with the National Intelligence Security Agency , the Somali National Army , and police to stop peaceful demonstrations over delayed elections and lack of obligation to have consensus on the upcoming election. Somalia was scheduled to…

polling day for prime voltage

The Central African Republic will vote on Sunday 27 December to elect its president and his deputies in a tense context. Armed groups, united in a coalition to prevent elections, have started a descent towards the capital Bangui. Fierce fighting has erupted in the interior of the country, with the vote still uncertain due to threats and fears in recent days.…

6 other people in custody

In Madagascar, acts of embezzlement and favoritism within the Ministry of National Education have been revealed. Nearly one billion 280 million ariary or about 283,000 euros were embezzled during the year 2018. The independent anti-corruption office was contacted to conduct the investigation. On Wednesday, 22 people were referred to the judges of the anti-corruption pole.…

Madagascar: 4 months after Farafangana detention center mutiny

On August 23, 2020, a mutiny broke out in Farafangana Prison on the southeast coast of Madagascar. Of the 336 incarcerated prisoners, 88 managed to escape after bringing down a dilapidated fencing wall. It was impossible for the prison staff to prevent escape: that day only three of the seven planned guards were present, and a hunt was organized at short notice in the city. During the catch, police…

ECCAS approves the keeping of the vote and calls at the rebels to withdraw

The heads of state of Central Africa met on Saturday, December 26, at a video conference to discuss the Central African Republic, just before the presidential election, as they urged voters to "go massively to the polls". In its final press release, the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), which met on the initiative of Congo-Brazzaville, also condemned "with the greatest energy" the…

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