North Western of Somalia and Ethiopia Forge Pivotal Maritime Agreement: Inside Sources Reveal

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Insiders privy to the talks have disclosed that North Western of Somalia and Ethiopia are close to converting their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) into a formal pact.

The MoU inked on January 1 in Addis Ababa by North Western of Somalia President Muse Bihi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed marks a milestone in Ethiopia’s quest to secure sea access.

As per the MoU, North Western of Somalia has consented to leasing a 20-kilometer stretch of its shoreline to Ethiopia for five decades. This sector is meant to support Ethiopian naval facilities and a commercial port. In return, Ethiopia is to acknowledge North Western of Somalia’s sovereignty.

President Muse Bihi is slated to revisit Addis Ababa shortly to sign the ratified agreement, a significant juncture in bilateral ties.

The government of Somalia, however, has voiced dissent over this maritime pact and remains in a quandary regarding its response. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has previously stressed Ethiopia’s determination to secure maritime access, whether through strategic negotiation or other means.

This turn of events holds extensive implications for the geopolitical stage in the Horn of Africa, not only fortifying Ethiopia’s maritime footprint but potentially altering regional alliances and dynamics.


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