Farmajo rejects Somaliland secession offer, refuses to

MOGADISHU, Somalia – The journey for eventual recognition of Somaliland, the breakaway region in northern Somalia, may take a little longer to come to fruition following President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo’s final sentiment, which has cast doubt on the quest for l State for the nation, which has lasted for three decades.

On Saturday evening, Farmajo, at a panel discussion hosted by the Raas Institute, covered a litany of questions when he was greeted by a panel, where he addressed a number of controversial issues, which could further escalate into serious political questions a few months ago. the country goes to national elections.

Referring to Somaliland, Farmajo insisted that the region was still part of Somalia’s territorial integrity, adding that the planned division of the country could not work. According to him, the fact that the international community has not approved the quest means that the country will remain as one nation.

Farmajo said: “I believe it is out of the question that Somalia is a nation and cannot be divided. No one recognizes a region in Somalia. It has been 30 years since Somaliland and its leaders have done everything and are went everywhere to be recognized and didn’t get it. “

Somaliland, which was under the British Protectorate, gained independence on June 26, 1960, about six days before Somalia also became independent from the Italians. However, the two nations merged to form the Republic of Somaliland, before Hargeisa claimed to secede in 1991 after 21 years of military rule in Somalia.

Somaliland’s efforts to become a nation have often been blocked and a recent meeting in Djibouti has yet to bear fruit. But even with Somaliland’s efforts to gain recognition, Somalia recently rejected a bilateral deal between Hargeisa and Taipei, in a move that was also supported by China, the global economic giant that claims Taiwan.

But the quest for Somaliland is gaining momentum as the relationship with Taiwan has been recognized by the United States. Kenya, which sits on the United Nations Security Council, is also pushing for the quest and has reportedly discussed the quest in a cabinet, but it is at a preliminary stage.

The president, however, did not respond to the controversial question from Abdikarim Muse alias Qalbi Dhagah’s, the commander of the Ogaden National Liberation Front. [ONLF], arguing that the question was “off topic” when there was strong pressure to answer the question.

Abdikarim Muse aka Qalbi Dhagah’s transfer to Ethiopia on August 31, 2017 sparked public outcry and put Farmajo’s administration on a collision course with its hitherto remarkable public ratings, which also led to negative reactions from his supporters who insisted he “messed up”.

Ogaden, a Somali region in eastern Ethiopia, has witnessed the unrest and Ethiopia’s quest for secession has often turned against him due to resistance from the Ethiopian government. However, tensions in Ethiopia eased after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed started the process of democratizing the country.

And at the “handpicked participants” press conference on Saturday, Farmajo also declined to address the controversial Somaliland-Puntland dispute over ownership of the Sool and Sanag areas that lie along the border. Somali and secessionist from Somaliland. He said, “Too hard to answer.”

In recent years, there have been tensions over competing claims on the Sool and Sanaag regions by the self-proclaimed entity of Somaliland and Puntland and even at one point President Said Abdullahi Deni warned that the presence Somaliland security officers would discuss the deployment. troops in the area by Puntland.

Asked about the fate of the inhabitants of these two regions divided between Somaliland and Puntland, in particular the representation in parliament, Farmajo further insisted that “it is difficult to answer your question”. Puntland had previously insisted that talks between Somalia and Somaliland could not be completed without its contribution.

Farmajo further said he has done everything he can to ensure adequate representation of the Banadir region in the next Senate, but insisted that it is the prerogative of the Upper House to ensure that the region gets 13 seats when the country goes to the November elections. The Banadir region hosts the country’s capital, Mogadishu.

“Since taking office, we have empowered young people, as part of the leadership and governance of the country,” he said. << The 13 seats in the Benadir region that I requested and accepted by the House of the People are now before the Speaker of both Houses of Parliament, as they went beyond the agreed political process and remain to be done in accordance with the law, "he added.

Responding to questions about the war on terror and the harassment of Somali citizens, the president said that during his presidency, al-Shabaab’s power had been weakened, with a strong reconstruction of the army and the liberation in many areas where terrorists have organized themselves. bombardments and attacks.

So far, the Somali army, together with AU forces and the US military, has liberated areas in southern Somalia despite resistance from Al-Shabaab. But in what could spark a heated debate over the government’s commitment to the fight against terrorism, Farmajo said some journalists are linked to Al-Shabaab activities.


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