Violent Clan Battles Devastate Somali Regional State: 3 Killed, Many Injured

The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) denounced the turmoil on Tuesday, imploring the authorities to act quickly to avert more violence and broker peace between the feuding clans.

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This skirmish is just another episode in the recurring unrest of the Dollo region, a hotspot for clan rivalries over lush territory. These clashes often snowball into severe violence, leaving many dead and keeping the animosity alive. Long-held grudges and bygone clan battles likely sparked this latest outbreak.

Folks in Wardheer district are expressing worry over this relentless violence and the dire need for durable peace and reconciliation efforts. The Somali Regional State has seen its share of clan skirmishes, usually stoked by the scramble for resources. As officials and local chieftains strive to bring stability, there’s an escalating cry for long-term strategies to tackle the core issues of these conflicts.

Known as the Ogaden region, the Somali Regional State is one of Ethiopia’s nine regional territories. Its past is scarred by inter-clan strife, primarily over land and resources. The area is largely occupied by ethnic Somalis, who have deep-rooted cultural and kinship ties with those across the border in Somalia.

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