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Al-Shabab Undermines Somali Advances, Forms Alliance with Houthis

The Houthis have targeted or threatened U.S. Navy and commercial vessels over 190 times in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November 19, 2023, Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh disclosed to reporters on Monday. Two assaults on Thursday hit the Palauan-flagged, Ukrainian-owned, Polish-operated bulk cargo ship M/V Verbena, leaving one crew member severely injured, while another crew member remains missing following a separate attack on the Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned M/V Tutor on Wednesday."The Houthis claim they're…

Al-Shabaab Undermines Progress Made by President of Somalia

In Mogadishu, Somalia, Al-Shabaab has criticized President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's accomplishments, calling him a 'serial failure'. Mohamud has been in power for three years since replacing Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, promising to defeat the group within two years. Al-Shabaab claims that Mohamud has not succeeded in his goals, pointing to various attacks by the group on Somali government forces in Gal’ad, Awsweyne, and El-Lahelay. The government's efforts to combat Al-Shabaab began under Mohamud's leadership. State media…

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