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Puntland Forces Intercept Contraband and Capture Alleged Pirates in Bold Naval Operation

In Bosaso, Somali naval forces in Puntland intercepted illicit arms and detained a group of suspected Somali pirates in a security operation along the coast. The action took place in Eyl, a coastal town believed to be a hub for attacks on ships. Authorities are hunting down the pirates responsible for a $5 million ransom from the MV Abdullah, a Bangladeshi vessel seized in March. The Puntland navy did not disclose the number of weapons seized or their intended use due to the region's presence of ISIS and al-Shabab. They also…

Sarkaal ka tirsanaa ciidanka dowladda oo lagu dilay magaalada Muqdisho

 Sabti, April, 4, 2024 (AX) - Warar dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya dil Xalay loogu geystay magaalada Muqdisho Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidanka Booliiska Soomaaliya.Sarkaalkaan la dilay ayaa lagu magacaabi jiray Aadan Cumar Axmed oo loo yaqiinay Aadan biit, kaasoo lagu dilay goob maqaaxi ah oo ku taala agagarka xerada Iskool Buluusiya oo ka mid ah meelaha sida weyn loo ilaaliyo. Dilka Sarkaalkaan ayaa waxaa geystay nin ku hubeysnaa Bastoolad, kaasoo ku dhuftay marxuumka dhowr xabdood, islamarkaana si deg deg ah goobta uga…

Puntland oo qabatay hub sharci darro ah iyo shabakad looga shakisan yahay burcad badeed

 Sabti, April, 4, 2024 (AX) - Ciidamada badda Puntland ayaa sheegay inay gacanta ku dhigeen hub sharci darro ah iyo shabakad looga shakisan yahay inay yihiin burcad badeed.Howlgalkan ayaa ka dhacay degmo xeebeedka Eyl, halkaas oo ay ciidamadu sheegeen in ay ka mid tahay meelaha laga abaabulo weerarrada  qafaalashada maraakiibta caalamiga ah.War saxaafadeed kasoo baxay ciidanka badda Puntland ayaa sheegay, in ciidamadu ay ku raad joogaan burcad badeeddii madaxa furashada ka qaatay Markab laga leeyahay dalka Bangladesh oo…

Houthis Vow to Intercept Ships Bound for Israel Across their Reach

The Houthis are launching drone and missile strikes on ships in solidarity with Palestinians, targeting vessels heading to Israeli ports within their reach. Israeli threats to invade Gaza have led to fears the conflict could spread, prompting international calls for a ceasefire. Negotiations between Hamas and Israel have stalled due to key points of contention. The Houthi spokesperson cited the lack of a permanent ceasefire as a reason for targeting ships bound for Israeli ports. Violence in Gaza has resulted in thousands of…

Uzbekistan Formally Enters Diplomatic Ties with Djibouti

In a historic move, Djibouti has become the 149th nation to form diplomatic ties with Uzbekistan. On May 2, both countries signed a Joint Communiqué to solidify this new relationship, as confirmed by Akhror Burkhanov, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The agreement was formally signed by Ulugbek Lapasov, the Uzbekistan's Permanent Representative to the UN, and Mohamed Siad Doualeh, Djibouti's Permanent Representative to the UN. This partnership is based on the principles of the UN Charter and…

Kenya President Delays School Reopening Amid Rising Death Toll from Floods

Kenyan President William Ruto has delayed the reopening of schools due to ongoing heavy rains and floods that have claimed over 200 lives. During his state of the nation address, President Ruto mentioned the grim forecast from meteorological reports, warning of the potential impact of Cyclone Hidaya on coastal regions in the near future. Floods have ravaged Kenya and other East African nations, forcing over 150,000 individuals into camps for safety. Originally scheduled to open this week, schools will remain closed for an…

Empowering Somali Journalists to Dive Deep into Climate Change and Environmental Journalism

In Mogadishu, Somalia, a man bravely rescues a boy from dangerous floodwaters after heavy rains on November 9, 2023. Farah Omar Nur, the secretary general of the Federation of Somali Journalists, mentions the difficulties faced by journalists reporting on climate change and environmental issues in the country, especially due to insecurity. On World Press Freedom Day, Somali journalists grapple with covering environmental topics in their nation due to numerous challenges, including threats and safety concerns associated with…

Banadir Region Police Capture Trio Responsible for the Tragic Murder of Student Abdullahi Abdi Isaak

The individuals captured are Abdi Ahmed Adow, Farhan Adan Noor, and Ahmed Mohamed Raage, also known as Qataatow, who is serving in the military. They are accused of being involved in a deadly shooting on April 10, 2024. The incident occurred around 11:45 PM on the evening of Eid al-Fitr in Deniil district's Eriya El-Das area, near G/Baley, where the perpetrators shot at a police vehicle. Isaak was fatally injured during this assault. "The General Unit of the Banadir region has successfully apprehended the suspects connected…

Global Alliance Vows Ongoing Backing for Somalia at Quint Summit in London

As the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia draws to a close, there is a recognition of the need for Somalia to assume full responsibility for its own security. The coalition discussed the financial and operational challenges involved in transitioning from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia to a new support mission. They pledged to assist Somalia in securing funding for this mission and improving its national security capabilities. Key discussions at the meeting centered around supporting the Somali…

Revamped Criminal Investigations Directorate and State-of-the-Art Courts Unveiled in Mogadishu, Somalia

The grand opening of the CID office block is pivotal to our justice system and crime prevention efforts in Somalia, as stated by a Somali Police Force representative. Unveiled in 2019 with backing from the UNODC’s Global Maritime Crime Programme, the MPCC is a one-of-a-kind facility that combines courts within the prison complex. This fresh concept not only relieves pressure on the judicial system but also reduces risks and logistical obstacles related to transporting high-risk prisoners to court, thus improving safety and…

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