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Baledweyne oo si weyn looga dareemayo diyaar garowga xaflada Caleema saarka Ugaaska Beelaha Xawaadle

 Sabti, May, 11, 2024 (AX) - Magaalada Baledweyne ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan waxaa saacadahii lasoo dhaafay soo gaaray inta badan Xildhibaanada Beelaha Xawaadle ku matala Baarlamaanka Fedaraalka Soomaaliya, Agaasimaha hay'adda Nabadsugida iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka ee NISA Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbalooshe, masuuliyiin kale iyo dad weyne oo farabadan.  Masuuliyiintaan kala duwan ee soo gaaray Baledweyne ayaa u yimid ka qeybgalka xaflada lagu Caleema saarayo Ugaaska guud ee beelaha Xawaadle Ugaas Yuusuf Ugaas Xasan Ugaas…

Xasan Sheikh: Soomaaliya waxay diyaar u tahay dhammaan fursadaha diblumaasiyadeed ee lagu xalin karo ismariwaaga Itoobiya

 Sabti, May, 11, 2024 (AX) - Hogaamiyaha dowladda Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud ayaa sheegay in ay Soomaaliya diyaar u tahay in ay raacdo dhammaan fursadaha diblumaasiyadeed ee lagu xalin karo ismariwaaga kala dhaxeeya Itoobiya. Hogaamiyaha Soomaaliya wuxuu sheegay haddii taas la waayo  in Soomaaliya ay diyaar u tahay dagaal, wuxuuna carrabka ku adkeeyay baahida loo qabo nabad ku wada noolaanshaha balse aan waxba loo dhimin midnimada dhuleed iyo madaxbannaanida Soomaaliya.Hogaamiye Xasan Sheikh ayaa ugu baaqay dadka…

Kenyan Government Doctors Reach Deal to End Strike, Ensuring Improved Healthcare Services

Doctors at public hospitals in Kenya inked a pact with the government to end a strike launched in March. The agreement addresses salary arrears, hiring of trainee doctors, and insurance concerns. Television footage captured the handshake between union and government officials following the agreement. Health Minister Susan Nakhumicha confirmed the strike's end, citing the signed return-to-work formula. Arrears stemmed from a 2017 collective bargaining agreement, with doctors pressing for better medical insurance. KMPDU's…

Kenya Showcases Booming Trade Relations with China at Africa Expo

In Nairobi, Kenya, the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE) 2024 commenced, showcasing the deepening trade and investment ties between the two regions. The event drew a prestigious delegation from Hunan Province in central China, emphasizing the strong partnership between China and Africa. Rebecca Miano, the cabinet secretary for the Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industry, highlighted the expo's mission to unlock Africa's untapped potential by fostering connections with China's business community. Eric…

Uncover Anquam Mahamoud, the aspiring legislative candidate prioritizing healthcare access

A vibrant battle for the DFL endorsement played out in south Minneapolis for an open state House seat, with Anquam Mahamoud securing the party's backing.This opportunity arose when DFL Representative Hodan Hassan opted not to run again after three terms.Anquam, 35, serves as the chief operating officer of Twin Cities Health Services, a facility that offers substance abuse treatment and mental health care in Minneapolis. While she is relatively new to the political arena, Anquam has gathered a substantial number of…

Qaramada Midoobay oo wada hadalo ku saabsan mustaqbalka xafiiskeeda UNSOM kula jirta dowladda Soomaaliya

 Jimco, May, 10, 2024 (AX) - Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay, in ay wada hadalo kula jiraan dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, ka dib markii Soomaaliya ay dalbatay in meesha laga saaro jiritaanka xafiiska (UNSOM).Afhayeenka Howlgalka Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya (UNSOM) Ari Gaitanis, ayaa sheegay in ay diyaar u yihiin inay raacaan tilmaamaha Golaha Ammaanka, wuxuuna xusay inay mar walba ka go’an tahay inay iskaashi la yeeshaan oo ay taageeraan dowladda Soomaaliya. Ari Gaitanis wuxuu sheegay, in labo…

Khabiirka xaquuqul insaanka Soomaaliya oo walaac ka muujisay khilaafka wax ka beddelka dastuurka dalka

 Jimco, May, 10, 2024 (AX) - Khabiirka Madaxa Banaan ee QM ee Arrimaha Xuquuqul Insaanka Soomaaliya, Isha Dyfan oo soo gabagabeysay booqashadeedii saddexaad oo ay ku tagtay Soomaaliya, ayaa muujisay welwel ku saabsan is-afgarad la'aanta wax ka beddelka lagu sameeyay cutubyada dastuurka dalka.Isha Dyfan, waxay ugu baaqday dhammaan dhinacyada inay mudnaanta siiyaan wadahadalada si loo ilaaliyo horumarka kor loogu qaadayo dimuqraadiyadda, ku dhaqanka sharciga iyo xuquuqda aadanaha ee Soomaaliya.Khabiirka Madaxa bannaan ayaa…

Breaking News: Historic Peace Negotiations Commence in Nairobi for South Sudan Conflict Resolution

South Sudan's leader, Salva Kiir, is optimistic about the outcome of the peace talks taking place in Nairobi. The negotiations involve the government and rebel factions not included in the 2018 peace agreement that ended a devastating civil war. Key provisions from the previous agreement, such as the establishment of a unified security force, remain unfulfilled. To ensure fair elections, the opposition party has pushed for renewed discussions before the upcoming polls. Several African heads of state at the meeting have…

Hamza Abdi Barre, Prime Minister of Somalia, Celebrates Legislative Victories and Refutes Corruption Accusations

In a recent address to the Somali community in Kenya, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre of Somalia highlighted the current Federal Parliament's crucial role in achieving significant national milestones, contrasting it sharply with its predecessor. Barre emphasized that without the current Somali Parliament, the government would not have been able to secure relief from the arms embargo, achieve debt forgiveness, or join the East African Community, accomplishments that were unattainable under the previous administration.…

Nearly One Million People in East Africa Affected by Devastating Floods and Landslides, According to UNICEF

Deserted vans in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.Photographer: AP Photo Nairobi (AX) - UNICEF has reported that almost one million people in Eastern Africa are suffering from floods and landslides caused by heavy rains, stressing the urgent need for humanitarian aid. The latest report on East Africa flood situation from UNICEF states that a large number of individuals have been displaced in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania. Extensive damage has been recorded, including impacts on homes, schools, infrastructure, as well as the…

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