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Exploring Human Rights in Somalia: A Look at Progress and Challenges as Assessed by UN Expert

Ms. Isha Dyfan, the United Nations' Expert on Human Rights in Somalia, recently wrapped up her five-day visit to the country, marking her third official trip since being appointed by the Human Rights Council in May 2020. Throughout her stay, Dyfan met with Somali government officials, UN representatives, and various international partners to evaluate the current human rights landscape in Somalia. At a press conference in Mogadishu, Ms. Dyfan highlighted the progress made by the government since her last visit in November…

Somalia Authorities Display 12 Alleged Al-Shabaab Members in Public Showcasing

The National Intelligence Security Agency (NISA) in Somalia revealed 12 suspects believed to be Al-Shabaab militants amidst an intensified crackdown on the extremist group. The suspects were apprehended in Baidoa, a notorious terror hotspot in the region, for extorting money from the public and committing acts of violence. These individuals will face charges in military court and security forces are prepared to launch further operations against Al-Shabaab in other states. Over the past couple of years, security forces have…

Unlocking Somalia’s Future: Call for UNSOM Mandate to End by 2024

The Somali government officially asked the United Nations to end the UNSOM mandate, prioritizing government goals. Foreign Minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi stated that the government wants the Mission terminated by October 2024. The government praised the partnership with the UN and plans to continue working together for Somalia's development. Expressing gratitude for the UN Mission's support, the government emphasizes the importance of peace and stability. However, the UN Special Representative to Somalia, Catriona Laing,…

Empowered Female Entrepreneurs in Hobyo Thrive with Fish Sales

In Puntland, Somali women challenge the male-dominated fishing world through hard work and determination. Hakimo Farah Abdullahi, with her husband and nine children, moved from a displacement camp to a rental house in Hobyo town after starting her own fish-selling business. Her small stall, opened in January, now brings in $10-15 in profit daily, lifting them out of poverty. Previously struggling to feed her family, Hakimo now feels grateful for the success of her hard work. She was one of 30 impoverished women trained…

Nabadsugida Koonfur Galbeed oo gacanta kusoo dhigtay xubno badan oo ka tirsan Al-shabaab

 Khamiis, May, 9, 2024 (AX) - Taliska ciidanka Nabadsugida maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ayaa magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay kusoo bandhigay xubno badan oo ka tirsan kooxda Al-shabaab.Xubnahaan ka tirsan Al-shabaab ee lagu soo bandhigay Baydhabo ayaa tiro ahaan gaaraya 12 ruux oo ay ciidamadu kusoo qabqabteen howlgalo ay ka sameeyeen gudaha iyo daafaha magaalada Baydhabo.Xubnahaan ciidanka Nabadsugida Koonfur Galbeed ay soo bandhigeen ayaa la sheegay in Al-shabaab u kala qaabilsanaayeen aruurinta lacagaha ay kooxdu…

Kenya Commemorates Flood Victims with National Day of Remembrance

Kenya has proclaimed this Friday a national day off to honor the victims of the recent floods in the nation and to encourage tree planting by its citizens. Over 200 individuals have lost their lives due to the devastating floods, impacting over 250 million people in various ways. President William Ruto disclosed that the initiative allows citizens to plant trees in an effort to combat the impact of climate change, a significant factor in the country's flooding crisis. Issuing a statement, government spokesperson Isaac…

Xukumadda Soomaaliya oo ka codsatay Qaramada Midoobay in la joojiyo shaqada xafiiska UNSOM

 Khamiis, May, 9, 2024 (AX) - Xukumadda Soomaaliya ayaa si rasmi ah uga codsatay Qaramada Midoobay Joojinta Shaqada Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Kaalmaynta ee Soomaaliya (UNSOM).Warsaxaafadeed kasoo baxay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee Soomaaliya, ayaa lagu sheegay in Soomaaliya ay horumar ka sameysay dhismaha dowladnimada, gaar ahaan dhinacyada amniga iyo siyaasadda dowladda, waxayna dowladdu sheegtay inay door bideyso madax-bannaanida horumarkeeda mustaqbalka.“Ka dib markii aan si qoto dheer u tixgalinay muhiimada…

Ethiopian Migrants Deserted in Remote Kenyan Wilderness by Traffickers

Reports from local media in Kenya indicate that authorities have detained 24 Ethiopians who were abandoned in a remote bush in Isiolo county in the north-east. These individuals sought refuge at a nearby police station in the Merti area after being deserted by their suspected traffickers over the weekend. The culprits, who remain unidentified, were trying to evade detection at checkpoints along the Isiolo-Nairobi highway. According to the immigrants, their ultimate destination was South Africa, having crossed the border…

Unlocking Opportunities: Kenya’s Vital Trade Relationship with Somalia

Nairobi, Kenya - Rigathi Gachagua highlighted Somalia as a crucial trade and investment partner for Kenya, emphasizing the need to enhance bilateral ties and trade relations between the two nations. Gachagua noted that despite the current minimal trade volumes, Kenya's exports to Somalia reached USD124.5 million (Sh15 billion) two years ago, with imports at USD581.7 thousand (Sh71.5 million). The Deputy President expressed optimism about the potential for increasing trade volumes by leveraging the Kenya-Somalia relations…

Urur Goboleedka IGAD oo mashruuc biyo galin ah ka hirgelinaysa magaalada Tog-wajaale

Arbaco, May, 8, 2024 (AX) - Urur Gobaleedka IGAD ayaa  magaalada Tog-wajaale ka hirgelinaysa mashruuc looga faa'iidaysanayo biyaha dhulka hoostiisa ah si kor loogu qaado iskaashiga wadamada jaarka ah ee Geeska Afrika. Masuuliyiintii kasocday wadamada urur goboleedka IGAD oo uu hoggaaminayo Hogaamiyaha DDS, Mustafe Muxummed Cumar oo si heer sare ah loogusoo dhaweeyay magaalooyinka Tog-wajaale ee Deegaanka Soomaalida iyo Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa warbaahinta kula hadlay xudduuda labada magaalo. "Maanta waxaan halkan ujoognaa…

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