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Beware: Impostor Air Traffic Controllers Heightening Risk in Somali Skies

Air Traffic Control (ATC) is a crucial responsibility that must be taken with utmost seriousness to prevent disasters. Even minor errors can result in the loss of many lives instantaneously, making it an incredibly stressful profession. Recently, air traffic controllers in Somalia have faced additional pressure due to the presence of fake controllers attempting to create chaos in the country. Somalia has been engulfed in a longstanding civil war and has also contended with the emergence of North Western of Somalia, a…

Beware: Paying Ransom May Spark Fresh Somali Pirate Onslaught

In a recent update regarding piracy near Somalia, EU NAVFOR ATALANTA highlighted a significant increase in activity posing a threat. The pirates' strategy involves taking over dhows to use as bases for attacks up to 600 nm away from shore, blending in with regular sea traffic. While no new attacks have occurred in the last week, the potential payment of ransoms could lead to more dhow hijackings, fueling future raids on ships. Reuters reported a $5 million ransom was paid for the release of the Bangladeshi bulker Abdullah,…

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