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Northeastern State Authorities Seize Notorious Pirate Leader in Bold Anti-Piracy Raid

The MV Abdalla, flaunting 23 Bangladeshi crew members, got snatched and directed towards the Somali shore. Pirates bolstered it with fierce firepower to ward off rescues. This method by pirate factions helps them dominate the captured ships. These poor souls, the crew, endured endless days captive, eventually freed after long-winded bargaining bringing about a $5 million pay-off. Bangladesh and maritime bigwigs were all tangled in the deal. Mudug's top cop, Col. Mohamud Abdihakin Yusuf, vowed to squash piracy and lock up…

Bold Response from European Anti-Piracy Units to Assault on German Cargo Vessel by Somali Coast

Nairobi (AX) — The European Union's counter-piracy mission, Operation Atalanta, is addressing a reported assault on the Liberian-flagged ship Basilisk near the Somali coast. This event underlines the reemergence of piracy in the area, which had been inactive until recently. According to the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), a group of individuals from two small vessels unlawfully boarded the Basilisk about 380 nautical miles east of Mogadishu. The ship, operated by Germany’s MINSHIP, was traveling from Porto…

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