Ma’awisleey Troops Execute Uncommon Assault on al-Shabaab Stronghold, Liberate Civilians in Elbur

The Ma’awisleey fighters tread through the dusty expanse of Galgaduud in Somalia.

Mogadishu (AX) — In an uncommon feat, Ma’awisleey warriors orchestrated a well-planned strike on an Al-Shabaab hideout in Elbur, Galgaduud, successfully rescuing civilians recently held captive by the extremists.

A Ma’awisleey commander reported that the offensive resulted in one Al-Shabaab member’s demise and left another injured. Remarkably, the militia emerged with no casualties, underscoring the mission’s triumph. “Our main aim was to set free the civilians detained there,” the commander revealed.

Afterward, Al-Shabaab fighters turned up the heat on Elbur locals, calling for the recapture of those liberated and the capture of the assailants. The group, which runs a large chunk of the Galgaduud territory, is now intensely hunting down the escapees.

This daring attack has ignited a buzz across Galgaduud, in part because such direct confrontations against Al-Shabaab are few and far between. Locals laud the Ma’awisleey forces’ audacious move as a gesture of resistance against a group that has long ruled the region with an iron fist.

Edited by: Ali Musa

Axadle international–Monitoring

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