Somali Defense Minister Dismisses Ethiopian Threats, Pledges to Protect National Sovereignty

Mogadishu (AX) — Somalia’s Defense Minister, Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur, is resolute in standing tall against Ethiopia’s recent saber-rattling, stating unequivocally that Somalia is primed to counter any belligerence directed toward its defense forces or citizens.

During a speech in the heart of Mogadishu, Nur declared, “Somalia and Ethiopia should coexist in harmony and good neighborly spirit, yet if the fragile leadership of Abiy and Jula stumbles in upholding peace, then those stoking discord shall soon realize the gravity of their errors.”

The minister’s pointed remarks countered the assertions made by Field Marshal Birhanu Jula of the Ethiopian National Defence Forces. Jula had taken a swipe at Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, asserting, “He hasn’t the capacity to challenge us or secure Mogadishu itself.”

Moreover, Jula dismissed Somali allegations that Ethiopia had clandestinely funneled weaponry into Somalia, dismissing the claims outright.

Relations between Somalia and Ethiopia have grown increasingly strained, especially with Ethiopia’s contentious pact with North Western State of Somalia. This agreement allows Ethiopia access to the Red Sea, an act Somalia perceives as a breach of its territorial integrity.

North Western State of Somalia, an independently-governing region in northwestern Somalia, has yearned for international recognition since its 1991 declaration of independence. Yet, it remains in diplomatic purgatory as the African Union clings to the sanctity of colonial-era boundaries, casting North Western State of Somalia’s aspirations into a legal grey zone.

Edited by: Ali Musa

Axadle international–Monitoring

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