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17 Civilians Allegedly Killed by ADF Rebels in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Suspected ADF Rebels Allegedly Kill 17 Civilians in Eastern Congo Reports indicate that a tragic incident has unfolded in the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Locals attribute the brutal attack to the suspected Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an armed group notorious for their ruthless tactics. According to eyewitnesses, the carnage claimed 17 innocent lives, marking another grim chapter in the ongoing violence that plagues the area. This attack throws into stark relief the instability that has long…

From UN Arms Ban to Disorder: Advanced Weaponry Reaches Somali Civilians

From UN Arms Embargo to Chaos: Weapons Spill into Somali Civilian Hands NAIROBI, Kenya - When the UN Security Council lifted Somalia’s arms embargo in December 2023, few could foresee the turmoil it would unleash. Within mere months, armed militia intercepted a weapons-laden convoy in central Somalia, ironically leading to sophisticated armaments being scattered among civilians. This has triggered alarm bells regarding the rampant spread of weaponry in the region, and a looming fear of these arms reaching nefarious actors.…

In Mali, violence against civilians is declining

In Mali, violence against civilians decreased by 7% between July and December 2021, according to a draft report from the human rights department at Minusma, the UN peacekeeping mission, which RFI was able to find out. These figures still deserve to be put into…

Ethiopia pledges motion after video reveals males in uniform burning civilians alive

Ethiopia pledges motion after video reveals males in uniform burning civilians alive NAIROBI- Ethiopia's authorities mentioned on Saturday it will take motion towards the perpetrators after a video emerged on social media displaying gunmen, some in navy uniforms, burning civilians to demise within the west of the nation. The Ethiopian authorities's communications service mentioned in an…

Museveni confirms Ugandan army killed civilians captured in Somalia

KAMPALA, Uganda Uganda People's Defense Forces group accused of killing civilians in Somalia has been arrested, President Yoweri Museveni confirms, which is an exciting event that can help families to claim justice. Two weeks ago, seven people, including two truck drivers, were blown up by AMISOM soldiers, allegedly on a revenge mission, shortly after they were ambushed by al-Shabaab militants. It is not known why the army is opposing the civilian population. The victims were innocent civilians, with AMISOM initially…

at least 47 civilians and soldiers were killed in an attack in

A new attack took place today in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso. A convoy of civilians has been targeted and tolls are high, around one hundred dead in total. According to security sources, 47 civilians and soldiers as well as 58 terrorists were killed. as reported from Ouagadougou, Yaya BoudaniThe attack took place on the…

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