PDCI calls for “civil disobedience”

Since the validation of the candidacy of Alassane Ouattara for a third term and the rejection of, among others, Guillaume Soro and Laurent Gbagbo - the opposition does not intend to remain silent about what it qualifies as "forfeiture". This Saturday, the PDCI held a meeting in Cocody to condemn the political situation and organize the next mobilization of "civil disobedience". It is technical advice that quickly got the look of a meeting. At PDCI headquarters, political representatives from all districts of Abidjan met…

Arsenal vs. Sheffield United – Gunners Oo Raadinaysa Inay

Arsenal ayaa u dagaallami doonta inay jidka guusha kusoo laabato kaddib markii ay Liverpool toddobaadkii hore kaga adkaatay kulan ay jilbaha isku dhigteen garoonka Anfield, taas oo Mikel Arteta ka joojisay inay sii wataan labadii guulood ee ay ku bilaabeen horyaalka Premier League ee xili ciyaareedkan.Sheffield United oo laga soo badiyey saddexdii ciyaarood ee horeba ayaa waxay dhinaceeda halgan u gelaysaa inay hesho guushii ugu horreysay ee xili ciyaareedkan, si ay uga baxdo xaaladda madax-xanuunka ah ee durba shakiga…

Wasiirka Amniga Hir-Shabeelle oo Ciidan dheeraad ah u dalbay

Wasiirka Amniga DG Hir-Shabeelle Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan Khayre oo la hadlay VOA ayaa faah-faahiyay howlgalada lagu adkeynayo amniga deegaannada maamulkaas gaar ahaan Magaalada Jowhar. Wasiir Khayre ayaa sheegay in Bulsho ka badan kuwa haatan kunool Magaalada Jowhar ay tageyso marka ay bilaabato doorashada, arrintaasina ay sababi karto culeys dhanka amniga haddii aan laga sii feejignaan. Waxa uu dalbaday in la geeyo Ciidamo dheeraad ah oo ka qaybgala sugidda amniga Magaalada…

Patrice Bouveret: “French nuclear waste in Algeria still exists”

Between 1960 and 1966, France conducted 17 nuclear tests in the Algerian Sahara. More than half a century later, the waste is still there, and the question of the consequences of these tests remains unanswered. This is stated in a forum of representatives of the Armaments Observatory and ICAN France (the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons). They call on France to address this crucial…

Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo la kulmay Madaxdii ka qaybgashay

Hogaamiyaha DFS Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa magaalada Jubba Caasimadda Koofurta Suudaan kula kulmay madax kala duwan oo goobjoog ka ahayd heshiiska nabadda Suudaan. Hogaamiyayaasha uu la kulmay Madaxweyne Farmaajo waxaa kamid ah Hogaamiyaha Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, wafdi ka socday Dowladda Qadar, Hogaamiyaha Jaad, Koofurta Suudaan oo martigelisay gogosha iyo Suudaan. Waxyaabaha ay kawada hadleen waxaa kamid ah xoojinta heshiiska dhexmaray dhinacyadaan…

Jowhar oo lagu xiray dad lagu tuhmay amni darrada

Magaalada Jowhar Xarunta DG Hir-Shabeelle oo maalmihii dambe ammaankeeda laga deerinayay waxa ay Ciidamada amniga ka joogteen baaristaannada xaafadaha kala duwan ee Magaaladaas. Howlgal qaatay saacado oo ka dhacay Xaafadaha Magaalada jowhar waxaa lagu xiray dad lagu tuhmayo amni darrada xarunta Dowlad Goboleedka Hir-Shabeelle oo dhanka kale magaalo madax u ah Shabeelaha Dhexe. Saraakiisha ammaanka ayaa Axadle u sheegay in dadka lasoo qabtay ay marayaan baarista hubinta, qofkii…

Should we combine the Chadian legislative and presidential elections?

The headquarters of the political parties in Chad are discussing how the two upcoming elections will be organized. Should we combine the presidential and legislative elections or organize them separately, as has always been the case in Chad? The issue of linking the presidential election to the legislative election is an old debate, but it came back a few weeks ago during a meeting between the Independent National Electoral Commission (Céni), the national framework for political dialogue and the head of state.…

Malian civil society in full reflection on the reconstruction of the country

In Bamako, the two-day Refoundation ended at the Mali Round Table on Saturday. This initiative from personalities in civil society gathered within the group of reflections of analysis and innovative initiatives (grains). Tried to find options for renewal of governance in Mali. as reported from Bamako, Without a detour, Ousmane Sy, former Malian minister and specialist in decentralization issues, sets the stage. "Our crises are management crises. We have states that everyone bypasses, that no one respects, he insists.…

Anatole Matusila in turmoil following his dismissal from Congo Central

Dismissed during a plenary session of the Central Congo Provincial Assembly, Anatole Matusila, its President, refuses to recognize this decision, which for him is irregular. He accuses provincial governor Atou Matubuana of orchestrating the coup against him. as reported from Kinshasa, According to Deputy Jean-Claude Mvuemba, Anatole Matusila was fired on Wednesday during a session attended by 26 provincial representatives. Deputies blame him for his absence: "He did not hold a meeting for a year," he explains.…

strict measures for Tunisians, but without general confinement

Tunisian government announces new health restrictions to combat Covid-19. The country regrets a resumption of the spread of the virus since September, and fears are now seeing an already fragile health system completely overwhelmed. "The epidemiological situation requires firmness and urgent solutions," Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi said on Saturday evening, October 3, on national television. All gatherings, all demonstrations are banned for the next two weeks. The administrations will work in shifts to limit the traffic…

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