Tii Horeba Tanaa Ka Daran!! Jose Mourinho Oo Cusbo Sii

Tababaraha Tottenham ee Jose Mourinho  ayaa cusbo sii mariyey dhaawacyada iyo nabarrada Manchester United ee uu ku gaadhsiiyey garoonka Old Trafford oo uu kaga adkaaday 6-1.United ayaa lagu bahdilay garoonkooda bandhig cajiib ahaa oo Spurs ay muujisay, iyadooi intii ay ciyaartu socotay ay qaladaad badan sameeyeen difaaca Manchester United ka hor intii aan kaadhka cas loo taagin Anthony Martial.Bruno Fernandes ayaa rikoodhe hoggaanka ugu dhiibay Man United, laakiin Heung-Min Song iyo Tanguy Ndombele ayaa kooxda martida ahayd…

Al-Shabaab raids Kenyan troops’ bases in southern Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based Al-Shabaab militants have as soon as once more raided a navy base in Somalia, with a rising variety of such instances more likely to provoke a pointy response from the African Union Mission Forces within the Horn of Africa, which has performed operations towards militants in practically 20 years. Preliminary studies are intimate that Al-Shabaab militants raided a Kenya protection Ahead-looking bases in Abdalla Birole and Taabta, positioned in Decrease Jubba, a area that has struggled to…

Waddooyinka qaar ee Muqdisho oo dhagaxaanta laga qaaday! –

DFS ayaa muddo kadib dhagaxaanta ka qaaday qaar kamid ah waddooyinka Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana cabasho ka keenay Shacabka isticmaalka jidadka dhagaxaanta Dowladdu ku xirtay. Meelaha dhagaxaanta laga qaaday waxaa kamid ah: Qaybo kamid ah Degmada Wadajir gaar ahaan Danwadaagta & xaafado kale oo bilooyin kahor la dhigay lagu jaray isu socodka Gaadiidka. Sidoo kale Isgoysada laga qaaday dhagaxaanta waxaa kamid ah: Digfeer, Isgoysyada Tarabuunka & Sheekh Cali Suufi,…

Xeebaha Jabuuti oo laga raadinayo Tahriibayaal doon la

Xeebaha Jabuuti waxaa laga raadinayaa 12-ruux oo la socday Doon u socotay Dalka Yemen, waxaana dhimatay inta la xaqiijiyay 8-ruux oo qaarkood la sheegay in laga tuuray doontii ay la socdeen. Is qabqabsi ayaa ka dhex dhashay doonta waxyar kadib markii ay u shiraacatay safar saacado qaadanaya oo ay uga gudbayaan Biyaha Badda Cas si ay u gaaraan waddanka Yemen oo ay uga sii gudbayaan Boqortooyada Sacuudiga. Afhayeenad u hadashay Hay’adda Socdaalka Adduunka ayaa sheegtay in dadkaan…

Isku dhac sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac oo Turkiga ku

Sida ay tabisay warbaahinta Turkiga, isku dhac ayaa dhexmaray Labo oo Ciidan oo Soomaali iyo Turki ah kuna ku tababaranayay Xero Ciidan oo ku taalla Gudaha Dalkaas, kadib markii ay isku dhaceen. Inta la xaqiijiyay waxaa dhimatay 25-ruux oo labada dhinac ah, kadib markii waxyeelo halis ah kasoo gaartay waxyaabaha ay isu adeegsadeen inta uu socday dagaalkooda sida ay tabisay Warbaahinta. Dhaawaca lama soo sheegin inta uu gaasiisan yahay waxaase jira shaqsiyaad dhaawacyo halis ah…

the students have returned to school

In Burkina Faso, after six months of class closures to slow the spread of Covid-19, students have returned to school since October 1. Although some schools have implemented washbasin and mask devices, this is not the case everywhere. A situation that worries some parents of students. with our correspondent in Ouagadougou, For a few days, the students have resumed the lessons and some previous performances need to be revised. The context remains the same: Covid-19 is still present, and in some schools it is mandatory to…

Tigray State ready to meet with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

According to the Tigray regional government since Monday, the government of Addis Ababa is unconstitutional. October 5 should have marked the start of the new term in the federal parliament, but the election was postponed. The state of Tigray therefore wants a transitional government pending the vote. Getachew Reda is a member of the executive committee of the TPLF, the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front, which runs the region. According to him, from Monday there will be no more federal government, that is, no more…

central bank reveals financial report for 2019

This is a first, the central bank of the Democratic Republic of Congo has published the audit of its annual accounts per. December 31, 2019, performed for the first time by the auditing firm Deloitte on its website. It was a demand from the IMF that demands more transparency from the country. Not surprisingly, the general government account was in the red per. 31 December 2019. But this report reveals the existence of about thirty sub-accounts, the creditors themselves, which could have been used to compensate for this…

a response to the lifting of sanctions expected at the start of the week

Since Thursday, the Malian junta has published the transition charter. And the document takes into account a significant demand from ECOWAS to lift the sanctions. The embargo against the country could therefore soon be lifted while the malians become impatient. as reported from Bamako, Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, President of the ECOWAS Commission, made a trip on Sunday that could be crucial for the abolition or not of sanctions. He arrived in particular in Accra to meet with the Head of State of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo,…

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