Shaxda Rasmiga Ah Ee Kulanka Adag Ee Sheffield United vs

Kooxda xamaasadda badan ee Leeds United ayaa marti u ah Sheffield United oo xili ciyaareedkii hore wacdaro ka dhigtay Premier League, isla markaana boos aan laga filaynin ku dhamaysatay.Tababare Marcelo Bielsa oo labadii ciyaarood ee ay kooxdiisa Leeds United dheeshay kulamada Premier League soo dhalisay 7 gool, iyagana laga dhaliyey 7 gool ayaa waxa uu raadinayaa guushii labaad, iyadoo usbuucii hore ay 4-3 kusoo garaaceen Fulham kaddib wacdarihii ay muujiyeen ciyaartii Liverpool ay ku kala baxeen 4-3.Bielsa ayaa kulankan…

The United States’ commitment to the Sahel remains intact, Washington says

The United States Special Envoy for the Sahel on Thursday, September 24, announced an extension of humanitarian aid. At the military level, the U.S. Chief of Staff of the U.S. African Command (Africom) announced a few months ago a reduction in staff on the ground. But the US commitment remains intact, the State Department assures. Washington will pay $ 150 million to Niger, Mali, Mauritania and Burkina Faso. Objective: to help some 2.5 million people displaced by insecurity in these areas plagued by terrorist groups.…

“In Praise for Blood”, controversial work on the role of the RPF during the genocide

In Praise of the Blood of Canadian Judi Rever is a book that examines the crimes committed by the Rwandan patriotic army led by Paul Kagame, a rebel who has become the national army of Rwanda. Published since mid-September by the Max Milo editions, organizations such as Ibuka, the Survivors' Associations, or SOS Racism described the work as a negationist in a column published in the newspaper Liberation. As it passed through France to promote its work, the Canadian journalist, like her French publisher, insisted on the…

Waxaanu Doonaynaa Inaanu Ka Aargoosano Arsenal – Jurgen

Arsenal ayaa laga sugayaa inay iska soo xaadiriso garoonka Anfield Isniinta toddobaadkan, waxaana ku sugaysa Liverpool oo ay ka go’an tahay inay ka aargoosato kaddib rikoodheyaashii ay kaga qaadday Community Shield iyo barbarro ka horreeyey oo ay wada galeen intii uu Mikel Arteta xilka hayay.Tababare Mikel Arteta ayaa awood u yeeshay inuu gacanta sare ka yeesho Jurgen Klopp, waxaana Arsenal aty 2-1 ku garaacday Liverpool oo ay u xambaarisay guul-darradii saddexaad ee xili ciyaareedkii hore, ka hor intii aanay barbarro 1-1 ah…

low attendance for the first mobilization of the opposition front

The Ivorian opposition "United Front" organized three joint meetings in Abidjan in the municipalities of Yopougon, Anono and Gonzagueville on Saturday 26 September. RFI visited the Anono field and noted that the crowd was not there this first day of mobilizing the opposition coalition. A fine fog is watering the land in Anonos' headquarters, where one of the opposition coalition meetings is being held. All opposition sensitivities, with the exception of the independent candidate Kouadio Konan Bertin, called for…

Somalia: Farmajo shoots journalists, associates some with

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Journalists' freedom in Somalia may be far from achieved after all, even with the recent appointment of a special prosecutor, who will look into the atrocities suffered by journalists, and despite frequent assurances from President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo himself. During a roundtable on the country's upcoming elections on Saturday night, Farmajo fired warning shots at journalists accusing them of lacking journalism knowledge and experience, in a statement that secretly exposes the strained…

Doorashada Soomaaliya oo la aadayo bil kadib! – Axadle

Soomaaliya ayaa isku diyaarineysa doorashada Dadban ee 20/21 oo ah tan ay ku heshiiyeen Madaxweyne Farmaajo, Hogaamiyayaasha DG hoostaga DFS & Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir, isla markaana shalay uu u codeeyay BFS. Waa silsiladda xil is gaarsiinta afartii sanaba mar, waxaana bisha Deseember 2020 dhammaadkeeda soo idlaanaya muddo xileedka laanta Xeer dejinta, halka xafiiska Hogaamiyaha uu gaarayo ilaa 8-da Febaraayo 2021. Hogaamiyaha JFS Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa xalay sheegay in bisha Nofeembar oo kaliya…

Barcelona vs Villarreal – Koeman Oo Kulankii 1aad

Barcelona oo wajiyo cusub kasoo muuqdaan ayaa kulankeedii ugu horreeyey ee xili ciyaareedkan horyaalka Spain ee LaLiga, waxay la ciyaaraysaa Villarreal oo kusoo booqanaysa garoonka Camp Nou, halkaas oo ay jamaahiirtu ka bilaabi doonaan qiimaynta tababarahooda cusub iyo naadiga oo dhalan-geddi badan ku dhacay kaddib dersin ciyaartooyo ah oo laga diray.Tababare Ronald Koeman oo shaqada la wareegay xagaagan ayaa waxa uu caawa kulankiisii ugu horreeyey ee horyaalka ah hoggaaminayaa Barcelona, laakiin ciyaartan ayaa ugu soo…

Ciidanka Kenya oo 4-ruux ka qafaashay Gobolka Gedo! –

Ciidanka gaarka ah ee Kenya u qaabilsan la dagaalanka waxa loogu yeero Argagixisada loona soo gaabiyo (GSU) ayaa tuulada Daarusalaam Degmada Ceelwaaq ka qafaashay 4-ruux oo dadka tuuladaas ah. Ehelka dadka maqan ayaa xaqiijiyay in Askataan sida gaarka ah Kenya u qaabilsan la dagaalanka Argagixisada in ay wateen afar oo kala ah: Cabdifitaax Xasan Nuur, Cabdifitaax Diiriye Qorane, Cabdullaahi Cali Dhicis iyo Maxamed Ibraahim Afey. Dadkaan waa xoolo dhaqato sida ay shaaciyeen…

Parliament approves Somalia electoral deal

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's parliament on Saturday approved the electoral deal ending months of wrangling that almost threatened to disintegrate the country, in another dramatic occasion that would definitively define the nation's future political realignments. Ahead of the historic bicameral chamber session, there were concerns that Parliament would sabotage the implementation of the deal, after months of disagreements between the Senate and the Lower House, who were heavily divided over the quest to resolve the…

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