the process of privatizing Ethio Telecom and opening up telecommunications begins

The Ethiopian government has announced that it will launch tenders in next October for the partial privatization of the only mobile phone operator, Ethio Telecom, as well as the granting of two mobile phone licenses. Ethiopia is the last major African telephony market still closed to competition. By February 2021, the government hopes to have sold 40% of Ethio Telecom's capital and sold two mobile phone licenses. It is a real revolution for a country hitherto closed to foreign operators. Ethio Telecom actually has the…

Shanta Qaab Ee Uu Mikel Arteta Ku Soo Dagaal Gali Doono

Arsenal ayaa heshiis shaqsi ah la gaadhay xidiga kooxda Lyon ee Houssem Aouar laakiin Gunners ayaa dalabkii labaad oo rasmi ah u dirtay kooxda Lyon kadib markii la soo diiday dalabkii ugu horeeyay ee la gudbiyay September 25.Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang ayaa si layaableh u qirtay in ay door bidyaaan in kooxdoodu ay la soo saxiixato xidiga kooxda Lyon ee Houssem Aouar taas oo sii xaqiijisay sida ay Gunners waqti badan xidigan ugu bixinayso.Aubameyang oo wax laga waydiiyay xiisaha kooxdiisa Arsenal ee Houssem Aouar ayaa yidhi:…

Tear gas and shock grenades

On a sidewalk, hundreds of people hold on to each other so as not to be caught when a group of police officers throw themselves forward and spray tear gas on them straight in the face. People crouch and hold together despite coughing and breathing problems. Police have disrupted the demonstrations and arrested people in several cities in Belarus. Sunday's big demonstrations in Belarus are a protest against the fact that Alexander Lukashenko was swiftly and secretly sworn in as president this week. Despite a rainy…

Shaxda Rasmiga Ah Ee Barcelona Vs Villarreal Iyo Xidigaha Uu

Barcelona ayaa kulankeedii ugu horeeyay ee xili ciyaareedka cusub ee La Liga waxay Camp Nou ku soo dhawaynaysa kooxda Villarreal iyada oo Ronald Koeman uu soo xushay shaxdiisii ugu horaysay ee kulan tartan ah.Barcelona ayaa doonaysa in ay ka yara nasato burburkii banaanka garoonka ku soo gaadhay bilihii ugu danbeeyay iyo khilaafyadii taxanaha noqday iyada oo Koeman uu doonayo in ay iska ilaawaan wax walba oo xun oo ay kooxdoodu soo martay.Ronald Koeman ayaa shaxdiisa goolka ugu soo bilaabay Neto iyada oo goolhaye Ter Stegen…

Miyay Liecester City Markale Layaab Dhigi Doontaa? Sidee Man

Manchester City ayaa gumaad wayn kala kulantay kooxda Leicester City oo xili ciyaareedkan wcdaro cajiib ah ugu bilaabatay horyaalka Premier League iyada oo wixii ay ka sameeyeen Etihad Stadium uu su’aalo badan abuuray.Man City oo daqiiqadii 4 aad ee ciyaarta gool ku hor martay ayaa 5-2 lagu xasuuqay waxayna noqotay guuldaro shaki wayn ku abuurtay awooda kooxda uu Guardiola dib u qaabaynta ku sameeyay.Liecester City waxay guulaysatay kulankeedii 3 aad oo xidhiidh ah waxayna si xarogo leh ugu fadhiisatay halka ugu saraysa…

Leicester City Oo Man City Gumaaday, Jamie Vardy Oo

Kooxda Leicester City ayaa Manchester City ku ceebaysay Etihad Stadium iyada oo Jamie Vardy uu saddexley goolal ah uu si layaableh ugu xasuuqay Man City. Man City ayaa la kulantay guul daraadii ugu horaysay ee xili ciyaareedkan balse qaabka loo bahdilay ayaa noqday mid muujinaya sida ay kooxda Guardiola xili ciyaareedkan u nugushahay.Inkasta Man City ay ciyaartoy muhiim ahi ka maqnaayeen, haddana qiimaha ciyaartoyda Man City garoonka ugu jiray iyo kuwa kaydka ka soo baxay ayaa City qiimo aad uga sareeyay kooxda Leicester…

Moctar Ouane was appointed Prime Minister of the transition

In Mali, the president of the transition, Bah N'Daw, signed a decree appointing the prime minister. Former Foreign Minister Moctar Ouane has been appointed Prime Minister. With our correspondent in Bamako, Serge Daniel Two days after the inauguration ceremony for interim president Bah N'Daw, Mali knows his civilian prime minister. "Moctar Ouane, appointed Prime Minister", here is the decree signed by president of the Bah N'Daw transition this Sunday, September 27th. Since 2016, it should be noted that the brand new…

Hear firefighter Kent who was sickest in

One who survived the disease was firefighter Kent Östling from Luleå. He was called "sickest in Sweden" by the care staff who cared for him for covid-19. One Saturday night at the end of March, he became tired and lethargic. The next day he woke up with a fever. Kent was bedridden for nine days before finally receiving care when he could no longer eat or drink. Kent Östling was on a respirator for over two months, and in total he was in hospital for almost three months. Now he is struggling with rehabilitation.

Luis Suarez Oo Kulankiisii Ugu Horeeyay Ee Atletico Madrid

Luis Suarez ayaa rekoodh taariikhi ah oo aan qarnigan 21 aad laga diwaan galin kooxda Atletico Madrid waxa uu ka sameeyay kulankiisii ugu horeeyay ee uu kooxda Atletico uga soo muuqday horyaalka La Liga.Suarez ayaa Ronald Koeman iyo maamulka Barcelona tusay sida ay ugu qaldanaayeen in ay dabada la laageen oo ay qasab kaga direen Camp Nou waxaana la filayaa in uu noqon karo mid xaalad adag kooxdiisii hore ku abuuri kara marka uu Atletico Madrid kaga hor yimaado.Haddaba maxay tahay taariikhda aan qarnigan 21 aad loo diwaan…

Jose Mourinho Oo Ka Jawaabay Hadalkii Duur Xulka Ahaa Ee Uu

Jose Mourinho ayaa ka soo jawaabay hadalkii kaftanka iyo duur xulka ahaa ee uu xalay kala kulmay macalinkii shaqada Manchester United ka badalay ee Ole Gunnar Solskjaer kaas oo tababaraha reer Portugal erayo xanaf leh ku ganay.Markii ay Manchester United u guulaysatay qaab ayna waligeed koox kubbada cagta ahi guul uga gaadhin kulan horyaal ah ee uu garsoorihii kulankii Brighton ciyaarta oo dhamaatay dib iskugu yeedhay ee uu rekoodhaha ugu abaal mariyay United, waxa uu Solskjaer warbaahinta u sheegay hadal uu Mourinho…

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