The United States sanctions two companies of Russian Evgueni Prigozhin in CAR

The US Treasury Department last week announced new measures against Evgueni Prigozhin and his network in the Central African Republic. The Russian businessman, close to Vladimir Putin, is accused of interfering in the 2016 US election. He has since been on the US sanctions list. He is also accused of being the Kremlin's supervisor in Africa through his connections to the Wagner group of mercenaries. This time, the sanctions are aimed at three Russians and two companies involved in Prigozhin's operations in CAR. In a press…

Thousands of cancer cases are at risk of being missed

- We have fewer diagnosed cancer cases during the six months that the corona pandemic has ravaged Sweden, says Johan Ahlgren, operations manager at the Uppsala Örebro Regional Cancer Center. It is every eighth cancer case for the period March to August this year that is judged to be undetected as a result of the pandemic, according to the report. This corresponds to just over 3,500 cancer cases, and may therefore be due to, among other things, canceled screening and the fact that some patients withdraw to seek care. What…

tensions surrounding the reopening of Gabonese churches, still closed

After endless negotiations on the conditions for reopening places of worship, the Federation of Charismatic, Pentecostal and Revival Church of Gabon decided on September 12 to reopen churches without permission this Sunday despite the Covid-19 epidemic. The government considers the process unacceptable and it acted on Sunday 27th Sunday. During a press conference on Saturday, September 26, Interior Minister Lambert Noël Matha threatened religious leaders who were tempted to defy the ban. "A group of religious leaders has…

Now the final hearing on las – News is decided

There are major questions about how the labor market will function in the future as unions and employers in the private sector are now trying to solve. What rules should apply in the event of dismissals, what help should employees and the dismissed be able to find new work through a strengthened system for adjustment and what should the support for the unemployed look like in the form of a collectively agreed unemployment insurance fund? In the last week, both the employers' side and the unions have concretized their…

Moctar Ouane, a man with consensus “in his place” as prime minister

Moctar Ouane, the new Malian prime minister, now has 48 hours to form his government. This former foreign minister had been driven away from Malian political life in recent years. He was for some time a diplomatic adviser to UEMOA. Within the Malian political class, the appointment of a civilian as prime minister seems to be unanimous. New Malian Prime Minister Moctar Ouane does not come from the local political backwater. It is quite far from the parties, which is an advantage when we want to organize transparent…

South Africa: how to save public companies

As South Africa tries to emerge from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, it is questioning the fate to be reserved for public companies. Many of them have suffered significant losses this year, despite having already had financial difficulties before the crisis. Now they are asking the government to save them, but the country's coffers are already less and less full. Before Parliament, the Ministry of Finance painted a very bleak picture at the beginning of the month: the country's public companies are…

Information: “Trump paid no one

The year he was elected president, ie 2016, Trump paid the equivalent of approximately SEK 7,000 in income tax. This is reported by the New York Times and states that they have read more than 20 years of Trump's declaration information. The low or non-existent tax payments are said to be due to Trump, among other things, making very large loss carryforwards. The New York Times also writes that Trump currently has major disputes with the US tax authorities as well as hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. It is customary…

President Uhuru Kenyatta calls for an anti-doping plan

In Kenya, President Uhuru Kenyatta is concerned about the recent rise in doping cases among the country's athletes. He asks the Ministry of Sports to develop a major training and testing plan to combat this scourge. For the Kenyan president, the country's reputation is at stake a few months before the Olympics. "Kenya has built its reputation as a stronghold of sport on pure and just victories." This statement is signed by Uhuru Kenyatta, who expresses his concern over the increase in doping cases discovered in recent…

Barcelona Oo Xasuuqday Villarreal Iyo Ronaldo Koeman Oo Guul

Barcelona ayaa kooxda Villarreal xasuuq xun ugu bilawday horyaalka La Liga iyada oo Ronald Koeman uu waayihiisa tababaranimo ee Barca uu si layaableh ku bilawday. Ansu Fati ayaa laba gool oo deg deg ah Barca u dhaliyay qaybtii hore ee ciyaarta. Laakiin Fati ayaa markale sabab u noqday in Villarreal rekoodhe lagu dhigay isla qaybtii hore ee ciyaarta waxaana rekoodhahan gool u badalay Lionel Messi. Goolka afraad ee Barcelona oo dhamaadkii qaybtii hore yimid ayaa ahaa mid uu iska dhaliyay difaaca Villarreal ee Pau Torres.…

Furious Macron lectures Lebanon’s politicians

"A small group of politicians is about to overthrow their country and its people," said a furious Macron as he taught the Lebanese politicians who let their special interests take precedence over Lebanon, a collective betrayal, as he called it. But it was against Shia Muslim Hezbollah that he directed his most outspoken criticism. Hezbollah, which together with Shia Muslim Amal sabotaged attempts to form a technocrat government by demanding continued control of the important finance ministry. "Hezbollah cannot be both…

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