Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Oo Dalbaday Xiddig U Ciyaara Real

Kooxda kubadda cagta Manchester United ayaa doonaysa inay lasoo saxeexato xiddig ka tirsan Real Madrid kaddib markii ay ku guul-darraysteen inay lasoo saxeexdaan Jadon Sancho oo ahaa bartilmaameedka koowaad ee Red Devils ee xagaagan.Man United ayaa xalay heshay jawaabta dalabkii ugu dambeeyey ee ay ka gudbiyeen Sancho, waxaanu ahaa mid aan ka farxin oo Borussia Dortmund ay mar kale kasoo diidday.Waxa kale oo ka horreeyey oo Manchester United ay ku fashilantay ciyaartooyo ay dalbatay oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Sergio Reguilon,…

In Tunisia, the president resumes the debate on the death penalty

While the country has observed a moratorium since 1991, Kaïs Saïed voted for the death penalty after the murder of a young woman last week near Tunis. "Anyone who kills a person for no reason deserves the death penalty," the head of state said Monday night. Several NGOs point out that the death penalty has no preventive effect.…

“Marka Aad Musqusha U Baahato Waa Inaad Cararto” – Eric Dier

Eric Dier ayaa qirtay in Jose Mourinho aanu ku faraxsanayn inuu ka baxo garoonka oo uu suuliga tago iyadoo ciyaartu socota, waxaase uu sheegay inuu yahay ‘wicitaan dabiici ah’ oo marka laguu yeedho ay qasab tahay inaad tagto.Spurs ayaa xilli dambe barbarraysay Chelsea oo 1-0 ku hoggaaminaysay inta badan, waxaanay ugu dambayntii Tottenham ku adkaatay rikoodheyaal 5-4 ah iyagoo iska xaadirisay wareegga shanaad ee Carabao Cup.Ciyaarta ayay ka dhaceen arrimo layaab lahaa, waxaanay midda hore ahayd inay isku dhaceen Jose Mourinho…

The G5, Minusma and the EU are committed to more coordination

The members of the G5 Sahel and Minusma, the UN Stabilization Mission in Mali, will intensify their coordination in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel with the help of the European Union. The commitment was made on Tuesday, September 29, during a trialogue in Nouakchott, Mauritania. At this meeting in the capital of Mauritania, the exchanges concerned, in particular the military equipment of the Joint Force G5 Sahel which is still awaiting the arrival of 24 staff carriers, as promised by the European Union last…

Mareykanka oo Itoobiya ku taageeray Gaadiid ay u adeegsato

War kasoo baxay Safaaradda Mareykanka ee Itoobiya ayaa lagu sheegay in Xukuumadda Washington ay taageero Militari siisay Dhiggeeda Addis Ababa si ay ugu adeegsato howlgalka ka dhanka Al-Shabaab ee Soomaaliya. Bayaanka Safaaradda ayaa lagu sheegay in Deeqdaan ay isugu jirto Taageero Militari iyo tababarro la siinayo ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah si ay isaga difaacaan weerarada Khatarta ku ah ee Al-Shabaab uga imaanaya. Mareykanka ayaa Itoobiya taageeradaan tooska ah ee uu siiyay ka…

CEI prepares the final electoral roll

In Côte d'Ivoire, just over a month before the presidential election, the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) announced on Tuesday 29 September that it had drawn up its final electoral roll on 24 September. The country now has 7.5 million voters. Aiming for group breaks from the opposition, the institution intends to continue its march towards the presidential election on 31 October despite criticism and ultimatums. The numbers on the final electoral roll confirm this: Ivorians have registered in numbers this year.…

Al-Shabaab publicly executes elder by firing squad

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based al-Shabaab activists continued their spate of killings in parts of the country, targeting critics and suspected opponents, using brutal execution methods, which often prompted retaliation from residents and members of the international community. On Monday, the group executed Hassan Aden Ali, 44, a prominent alumnus from Hiran, central Somalia, using the deadly firing squad. It is not known why the activists targeted the elder and the group has yet to release a statement regarding…

Lionel Messi Oo War Weyn Oo Kale Kasoo Yeedhay, Khilaafkii

Lionel Messi ayaa markii ugu horreysay si cad u sheegay inuu wax walba u hurayo sidii ay Barcelona guulo u gaadhi xili ciyaareedkan, isla markaana uu dhamaaday khilaafkii u dhexeeyey isaga iyo maamulka oo ay meel iska dhigayaan.Messi oo xagaagan si lama filaan ah u shaaciyey inuu ka tegayo Barcelona ayaa muran sharci iyo hadal hayn muddo socotay kaddib, waxa uu go’aansaday inuu dhamaysto sannadka uga hadhsan heshiiskiisa, taas oo mar kale uu ka dambeysiiyey hadal cadho weyni ka muuqatay oo kasoo yeedhay markii uu Luis Suarez…

In focus: still no lifting of sanctions in Mali

"Mali is far from restoring trade and diplomatic exchanges with its neighbors, ECOWAS member states, notes the Maliweb information pagedespite the appointment of a retired soldier as president and a civilian at the head of the transitional government. "What is stuck for the subregional organization are the powers given to the transitional president, Colonel Assimi Goïta, leader of the coup leaders on 18 August. In fact, he…

Dabka ka kaca Goobaha Ganacsiga Dhuusamareeb & Dab damis

Kaalin shidaal oo ku taalla meel u dhaw Xarunta Dowladda Hoose ee Dhuusamareeb waxaa saakay qabsaday dab aan la xaqiijin ilaa haatan waxa uu ka dhacay, balse saameyn dhaqaale u geystay dhismo ganacsi oo u dhawaa kaalinta. Dad wata sakeelo lagu shubay carro iyo biyo, Booyaha shaqsiyaadka ganacsatada ay leeyihiin & Dhalinyarada magaalada ayaa ku howlan daminta dabka si uusan u reebin saameyn dhaqaale oo kale. Magaalada Dhuusamareeb malahan Dab damis, waxaana la adeegsadaa…

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