Cristiano Ronaldo Oo Caawa Ka Hor Imaanaya Sergio Ramos Oo

Cristiano Ronaldo iyo Sergio Ramos 15 koob ayay wada qaadeen muddadii ay isla joogeen Real Madrid laakiin labada nin ayaa hadalka kala goostay muddo labo sannadood ah.Labadaan xiddig ayaa caawa iska horimaan doona marka Portugal ay la ciyaareyso Spain laakiin muddo labo sannadood ah ma aysan wada hadlin sababo la xiriira isku dhacoodii markii Luka Modric uu ku guuleystay Ballon d’Or sannadkii 2018.Sida ay sheegtay jariirada Marca, Ramos iyo xiddigaha kale ee Real Madrid marka laga reebo Marcelo ayaa ka fogaaday weeraryahanka…

Khasaaro ka dhashay qarax ciidamo ka tirsan Milatariga

sawir hore Wararka ka imaanaya degmada Balcad ee gobolka Shabeellaha dhexe ayaa sheegaya in qarax miino oo dhulka lagu aasay ay la kacday gaari ay saarnayeen ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in gaariga miinada la kacday ay saarnayeen ilaalada gaarka ah ee guddoomiyaha degmada Balcad waxaana qasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh uu soo gaaray ciidamadii saarna gaariga. Wararka ayaa in ku daraya in dhamaan askartii saarneed gaariga miinada haleeshay ay noqdeen ku…

Lagos stock market rise

It's Christmas before its time on the Lagos Stock Exchange in Nigeria. On Tuesday, October 6, the index jumped over the thirty largest stocks by 5.7%, the second-best result in the last fifteen years. In the last month, the Nigerian stock market has been in good shape and has gained more than 13% as the country is going through a severe recession. Never before has the connection between the real economy and finance been so striking in Nigeria. As the country struggles with a recession synonymous with job losses and deep…

Isbedel Weyn Oo Ku Dhacay Xulka Spain, Leeds United Oo Tiro

Shaxdii xulka Spain ee finalkii Euro 2012 waxay ka koobneyd 10 xiddig oo u ciyaarayay midkood Barcelona ama Real Madrid iyadoo ciyaaryahanka kaliya ee ka baxsanaa uu ahaa xiddigii Man City David Silva.Finalkii Koobka Adduunka ee 2010 ee ay ka badiyeen Holland shaxda Spain waxay ka koobneyd sagaal xiddig oo u ciyaareysay Barcelona ama Real Madrid iyadoo labda xiddig ee shaxda ku jiray ee aan u ciyaareynin waqtigaas labada kooxood ay kala ahaayeen daaficii bidix ee Villarreal Capdebila iyo weeraryahan David Villa kaasoo…

ECOWAS is concerned about the lack of trust between political actors

In Côte d'Ivoire, less than four weeks before the presidential election, the joint mission of ECOWAS, the African Union and the United Nations ends its stay. Before leaving the country, she took stock of her visit to Abidjan. From our correspondent in Abidjan After his stay in Abidjan, the common mission for ECOWAS, The African Union and the UN share one concern: the lack of trust between political actors. This is the main point made by the press release read by General Francis Behanzin, Commissioner for Political…

Sababtii Uu Jurgen Klopp U Go’aansaday Inuusan La Soo

Tababaraha Liverpool Jurgen Klopp ayaa si buuxda u filanayay in Manchester United ay la saxiixan doonto xiddiga Borussia Dortmund Jadon Sancho xagaagan.Wuxuu xitaa u sheegay saaxiibadiisa inuu aaminsan yahay in xiddiga Ingariiska uu imaan doono Old Trafford isagoo wax ku kordhin doona weerarka cusub ee Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, laakiin milkiilayaasha Man United ayaa ka seexday inay dhameystiraan saxiixa 20 jirkaan.Sancho isna wuu doonayay inuu ku biiro Man United. Wuxuu ku riyaaqay waqtigiisa Borussia Dortmund laakiin wuxuu…

two defendants convicted in the Westgate attack case in 2013

Two defendants were convicted during the trial of the attack on the Westgate shopping center in Nairobi, Kenya, in September 2013. The third was acquitted. From our correspondent in Nairobi Seven years as a family awaited this judgment. After five suspensions and more than three hours of reading, Judge Francis Andayi finally declared two of the three guilty suspects of "conspiracy", "support" or even "possession of objects linked to an act of terrorism". The first, Mohamed Ahmed Abdi, taught Islam in Nairobi.…

M5-RFP, big loser of the new government?

Following the announcement on Monday of the transitional government in Mali, the M5 met on Tuesday. While the military has been assigned key positions, the protest movement against IBK does not feel represented. Two days later the message about the Malian government which will lead the transition to the election in a year and a half, and where the soldiers of the CNSP, the junta, which took power on 18 August, arrogant to key positions, the M5-RFP seems to be the big loser of this government. "M5 as an organization is…

Kenyan court finds two men guilty of a deadly Westgate

A Kenyan court on Wednesday found two men guilty of their role in helping al-Shabaab gunmen who attacked the Westgate shopping center in Nairobi in 2013 and killed 67 people. A third man accused of the attack was acquitted. Following a trial that began in January 2014, Judge Francis Andayi found that Mohamed Ahmed Abdi and Hassan Hussein Mustafa conspired with and assisted the four assailants who died in a siege claimed by the Somali-based al-Qaida-based group. The third accused, Liban Abdullahi Omar, was acquitted of…

Waa Kuwan LABADA Xiddig Ee Man United Ka Tirsan Ee Uu Jose

Kooxda Tottenham ee uu hoggaanka u yahay tababare Jose Mourinho ayaa Axadii toddobaadkan guuldarro fadeexad ah dhabarka usoo saartay kooxda Manchester United oo ay ku booqdeen gegida Old Trafford.Sida ay sheegayso warbixin cusub oo hadda la helayaa, mid kamida sababihii ay Spurs kulankaas ku guuleysteen ayaa ahayd inuu Jose oo aqoon fiican u leh kooxdiisii Man United uu u sheegay laba xiddig oo ay gaar u bar-tilmaameedsadeen ciyaaryahanadiisa Tottenham.Labada boos ee uu Jose u sheegay inay bar-tilmaameed ka dhigtaan…

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