BD training for professionalization in Antananarivo

They are ten Malagasy comics that have been selected for the first artistic stay on the island since the start of the pandemic. This training aims to enable them to perfect their technique, but also to learn how to sell themselves to publishers. From our correspondent in Antananarivo,They are between 19 and 33 years old and…

a new step towards a comprehensive peace following a meeting between Hemeti and al-Hilu

Number 2 of the Sovereign Transitional Council, General Hemeti, met in Juba, South Sudan, the leader of one of the country's most important uprisings, Abdelaziz al-Hilu. The latter was not a signatory to the peace treaty signed on 3 October. General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as "Hemeti", wore a civilian costume on Thursday in Juba, a purple shirt and a tie, while usually wearing the sand-colored uniform of his rapid support forces instead. But this time the occasion was special. Abdelaziz al-Hilu agreed to seek an…

satisfaction of WFP workers in Africa

In countries in Africa where the organization is involved, the announcement of the award was welcomed by workers from the World Food Program. In particular, the Nobel Peace Prize emphasizes the link between security and the eradication of world hunger. The workers of the World Food Program (WFP) in Burkina Faso were all in…

Nigerian Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is fighting for WTO leadership

They are two candidates for the head of the organization: a Korean, Yoo Myung-hee, and a Nigerian, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Portrait of the latter carrying hope on the African continent. as reported from Lagos, Liza FabbianShe is the first woman to have held the positionMinister of Finance in her country she has been twice. Ngozi…

What Occurs To Your Physique When You Eat Olive Oil

What's to not love about olive oil? From the distinctive taste to the wealthy mouthfeel, olive oil is a welcomed addition to many dishes. However many might not understand that olive oil is not only a scrumptious taste addition to salads and meats. This oil affords some distinctive well being advantages that different condiments cannot come near. Olive oil is wealthy in fats – however do not let that scare you. Whereas consumption of sure fat, like saturated and trans-fats, are related to undesirable well being…

so far exemplary, Tunisia is sinking in the health crisis

The curfew has been established in several major provinces such as Tunis, Sousse or Monastir. Prayers and weekly markets are now banned and festivities and gatherings are canceled. While in early summer the Tunisian model was praised for its control of the pandemic, the tone has changed. as reported from Tunis Michel PicardThe…

30 Wholesome Habits Match Folks Dwell By

Are you able to deal with the reality? Though DNA performs an enormous position in physique varieties, it is extra possible that these match our bodies you admire are extra due to on a regular basis wholesome habits moderately than good ol' mother and pop. In the identical method that one piece of cheesecake will not make you instantly pack on the kilos, consuming one salad will not immediately make the undesirable kilos soften away. Quite the opposite, it is the wholesome habits we select to do daily that add up and get…

a Swiss missionary, held hostage, was killed by her captors

Another hostage in Mali, a Swiss woman, was killed by her captors. Bern officially announced it on Friday evening, October 9th. We do not currently know if his death has anything to do with the release of Soumaila Cissé and Sophie Pétronin. The Swiss authorities have not announced the name of the hostage who would have been…

World Mental Health Day: in Kenya, mentally ill people are locked up by their families

On World Mental Health Day, Saturday 10 October, NGO Human Rights Watch released a report. Globally, 792 million people have a mental health problem - one in 10 people and one in five children. And yet governments spend less than 2% of their health budget on mental health. In Kenya, there are only two psychiatrists per Million inhabitants. As a result, patients find themselves locked up, bound, or…

The UN World Food Program wins the Nobel Peace Prize 2020

The World Food Program wins the Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to combat hunger and conflict ... Weheadto South Sudan to look at the challenges facing the biggest operation. Mali's former opposition leader Soumaïla Cissé and French charity worker Sophie Pétronin are free. But there are still many questions about how the release of the hostages was secured, and we report on the Somali women taking a stand against extremists to enjoy the sport they love: basketball. .

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